Mounting recommendations

Presence detection application

The connected sensor kit with the Radar Wing Board can be mounted anywhere on the wall in front facing orientation at 1-1.5 meters height from the ground level. The following figure provides an illustration of radar coverage for macro and micro movements.

Radar coverage for macro and micro movements

Entrance counter application

The connected sensor kit with the Radar Wing Board can be mounted on a side or a ceiling of an entrance as shown in figure below.

Mounting locations for connected sensor kit

The following figure shows a ceiling installation of the kit. It should be noted that moving objects or swinging door should be avoided in the radar field of view. Current release of entrance counter application does not have a workaround to handle swinging doors. For optimal performance, the configured ceiling height should be less than the actual ceiling height. For example, if the ceiling or top of the door is 3m high, the configured ceiling height should be less than or equal to 2m.

It is recommended to mount the sensor kit on a ceiling for optimal performance.
Ceiling installation of connected sensor kit

The figure below illustrates a side installation. For optimal performance, the configured entrance width should be less than the actual entrance width. It is recommended (but not required) to configure entrance width ~30cm less than the actual width. This makes sure reflections do not interfere with counting.

Side installation of connected sensor kit