Infineon Logo Wi-Fi Host Driver (WHD) Public API Reference Guide
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 WHD Event handling APIFunctions that allow user applications to receive event callbacks and set event handlers
 WHD Buffer Interface APIAllows WHD to perform buffer related operations like, allocating, releasing, retrieving the current pointer of and size of a packet buffer
 WHD Network Interface APIAllows WHD to pass received data to the network stack, to send an ethernet frame to WHD, etc
 WHD Resource APIFunctions that enable WHD to download WLAN firmware, NVRAM and CLM BLOB on a particular hardware platform
 WHD Wi-Fi APIAPIs for controlling the Wi-Fi system
 WHD Wi-Fi Management APIInitialisation and other management functions for WHD system
 WHD Wi-Fi Join, Scan and Halt APIWi-Fi APIs for join, scan & leave
 WHD Wi-Fi Utility APIAllows WHD to perform utility operations
 WHD Wi-Fi SoftAP APIWi-Fi APIs to perform SoftAP related functionalities
 WHD Wi-Fi Power Save APIWi-Fi functions for WLAN low power modes
 WHD Wi-Fi IOCTL Set/Get APISet and get IOCTL values
 WHD Wi-Fi Debug APIWHD APIs which allows debugging like, printing whd log information, getting whd stats, etc
 WHD Bus APIAllows WHD to operate with specific SDIO/SPI bus