Infineon Logo Wi-Fi Host Driver (WHD) Public API Reference Guide

General Description

Set and get IOCTL values.


uint32_t whd_wifi_set_ioctl_value (whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, uint32_t value)
 Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_SET IOCTL value. More...
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ioctl_value (whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, uint32_t *value)
 Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_GET IOCTL value. More...
uint32_t whd_wifi_set_ioctl_buffer (whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, void *buffer, uint16_t buffer_length)
 Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_SET IOCTL buffer. More...
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ioctl_buffer (whd_interface_t ifp, uint32_t ioctl, uint8_t *out_buffer, uint16_t out_length)
 Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_GET IOCTL buffer. More...
uint32_t whd_wifi_get_iovar_buffer_with_param (whd_interface_t ifp, const char *iovar_name, void *param, uint32_t paramlen, uint8_t *out_buffer, uint32_t out_length)
 Sends an IOVAR command. More...

Function Documentation

◆ whd_wifi_set_ioctl_value()

uint32_t whd_wifi_set_ioctl_value ( whd_interface_t  ifp,
uint32_t  ioctl,
uint32_t  value 

Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_SET IOCTL value.

ifpPointer to handle instance of whd interface
ioctlCDC_SET - To set the I/O control
valueData value to be sent
WHD_SUCCESS or Error code

◆ whd_wifi_get_ioctl_value()

uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ioctl_value ( whd_interface_t  ifp,
uint32_t  ioctl,
uint32_t *  value 

Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_GET IOCTL value.

ifpPointer to handle instance of whd interface
ioctlCDC_GET - To get the I/O control
valuePointer to receive the data value
WHD_SUCCESS or Error code

◆ whd_wifi_set_ioctl_buffer()

uint32_t whd_wifi_set_ioctl_buffer ( whd_interface_t  ifp,
uint32_t  ioctl,
void *  buffer,
uint16_t  buffer_length 

Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_SET IOCTL buffer.

ifpPointer to handle instance of whd interface
ioctlCDC_SET - To set the I/O control
bufferHandle for a packet buffer containing the data value to be sent.
buffer_lengthLength of buffer
WHD_SUCCESS or Error code

◆ whd_wifi_get_ioctl_buffer()

uint32_t whd_wifi_get_ioctl_buffer ( whd_interface_t  ifp,
uint32_t  ioctl,
uint8_t *  out_buffer,
uint16_t  out_length 

Sends an IOCTL command - CDC_GET IOCTL buffer.

ifpPointer to handle instance of whd interface
ioctlCDC_GET - To get the I/O control
out_bufferPointer to receive the handle for the packet buffer containing the response data value received
out_lengthLength of out_buffer
WHD_SUCCESS or Error code

◆ whd_wifi_get_iovar_buffer_with_param()

uint32_t whd_wifi_get_iovar_buffer_with_param ( whd_interface_t  ifp,
const char *  iovar_name,
void *  param,
uint32_t  paramlen,
uint8_t *  out_buffer,
uint32_t  out_length 

Sends an IOVAR command.

ifpPointer to handle instance of whd interface
iovar_nameSDPCM_GET - To get the I/O Variable
paramParamater to be passed for the IOVAR
paramlenParamter length
out_bufferPointer to receive the handle for the packet buffer containing the response data value received
out_lengthLength of out_buffer
WHD_SUCCESS or Error code