Infineon Logo Wi-Fi Host Driver (WHD) Public API Reference Guide
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_pmkidStructure describing a list of PMKID
 Cwhd_ap_infoStructure for storing AP information
 Cwhd_auth_paramsStructure for management frame(auth) params
 Cwhd_auth_req_statusStructure used by both dongle and host dongle asks host to start auth(SAE), host updates auth status to dongle
 Cwhd_band_list_tStructure for storing radio band list information
 Cwhd_btc_lescan_paramsStructure for LE Scan parameters
 Cwhd_buffer_funcsAllows WHD to perform buffer related operations like, allocating, releasing, retrieving the current pointer of and size of a packet buffer
 Cwhd_coex_configStructure for coex config parameters which can be set by application
 Cwhd_eventEvent structure used by driver msgs
 Cwhd_event_eth_hdrStructure to store ethernet header fields in event packets
 Cwhd_event_ether_headerStructure to store ethernet destination, source and ethertype in event packets
 Cwhd_event_msgStructure to store fields after ethernet header in event message
 Cwhd_init_configStructure for storing WHD init configurations
 Cwhd_list_tStructure for storing the supported channels
 Cwhd_listen_interval_tStructure for storing 802.11 powersave listen interval values
See whd_wifi_get_listen_interval for more information
 Cwhd_m2m_configStructure for M2M config parameters which can be set by application during whd power up
 Cwhd_mac_tStructure for storing a MAC address (Wi-Fi Media Access Control address)
 Cwhd_maclist_tStructure describing a list of associated softAP clients
 Cwhd_netif_funcsContains functions which allows WHD to pass received data to the network stack, to send an ethernet frame to WHD, etc
 Cwhd_oob_configStructure for Out-of-band interrupt config parameters which can be set by application during whd power up
 Cwhd_packet_filter_tStructure describing a packet filter list item
 Cwhd_resource_sourceInterface to a data source that provides external resources to the radio driver
 Cwhd_scan_extended_params_tStructure for storing extended scan parameters
 Cwhd_scan_resultStructure for storing scan results
 Cwhd_sdio_configStructure for SDIO config parameters which can be set by application during whd power up
 Cwhd_simple_scan_resultStructure to store scan result parameters for each AP
 Cwhd_spi_configStructure for SPI config parameters which can be set by application during whd power up
 Cwhd_ssid_tStructure for storing a Service Set Identifier (i.e
 Cwhd_wep_key_tStructure for storing a WEP key
 Cwl_bss_info_structBSS(Basic Service Set) information structure