CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library
cy_stc_usbpd_context_t Struct Reference


Context structure for USBPD-IP.

Data Fields

uint8_t port
 USBPD port Index. More...
 USBPD register base address.
void * trimsBase
 USBPD TRIMS register base address.
cy_cb_usbpd_phy_handle_events_t pdPhyCbk
 PD phy callback. More...
cy_usbpd_supply_change_cbk_t supplyChangeCbk
 Supply Change callback. More...
cy_stc_pd_packet_extd_t rxPkt
 The received PD packet. More...
uint32_t * txDatPtr
 The tx data pointer. More...
volatile bool adcRefVddd [CY_USBPD_ADC_NUM_ADC]
 ADC block Vref. More...
volatile uint16_t adcVdddMv [CY_USBPD_ADC_NUM_ADC]
 ADC block Vref. More...
uint8_t vbusMonDiv
 VBUS Monitor divider. More...
cy_en_usbpd_adc_input_t vbusDetachAdcInp
 ADC input index. More...
cy_en_usbpd_adc_id_t vbusDetachAdcId
 ADC ID index. More...
cy_cb_adc_events_t adcCb [CY_USBPD_ADC_NUM_ADC]
 ADC callback. More...
cy_cb_sbu_level_detect_t sbuDetectCb
 SBU level detect callback.
uint8_t txDobjCount
 The tx data count. More...
uint8_t volatile txObjSent
 The tx data pointer. More...
uint8_t volatile txUnchunked
 Holds current transmission is unchunked or not.
int8_t volatile retryCnt
 Holds retry count. More...
uint8_t volatile txDone
 Flag to indicate a message has been transmitted and we're waiting for GoodCRC.
bool volatile rxUnchunked
 Flag to indicate currently received message is unchunked extended message.
uint8_t volatile rxUnchunkLen
 Length of currently being received extended unchunked messages in 32 bits units.
uint8_t volatile rxUnchunkCount
 Count in 32 bits units of no of words read from rx memory for extended unchunked message.
uint8_t volatile rxReadLocation
 Read memory location where the HAL should read the next portion of data from.
bool hpdTransmitEnable
 HPD transmit enable. More...
bool hpdReceiveEnable
 HPD receive enable. More...
cy_cb_usbpd_hpd_events_t hpdCbk
 HPD event callback. More...
bool hpdState
 This flag keeps track of HPD Connection status. More...
cy_cb_bc_phy_events_t bcPhyCbk
 BC phy callback. More...
cy_stc_usbpd_legacy_charging_state_t cdp_state
 CDP State Variable.
int volatile bcQcPulseCount
 QC3.0 net pulse count (+ve = D+ pulse, -ve = D- pulse). More...
uint8_t bcAfcTxBuf [16]
 AFC TX buffer.
uint8_t bcAfcRxBuf [16]
 AFC RX buffer.
uint8_t bcAfcRxIdx
 AFC RX buffer index.
uint8_t bcAfcTxIdx
 AFC TX buffer index.
uint8_t bcAfcTxSize
 AFC TX buffer size.
bool vbusPfetOn
 PFET ON-OFF state.
bool vbusCfetOn
uint8_t vbusCsaRsense
uint32_t cfCur
 Flag to indicate current foldback is active.
uint8_t volatile autoToggleEn
 Auto toggle enable from stack. More...
uint8_t volatile autoToggleAct
 Auto toggle active state. More...
uint8_t volatile typecStartPending
 Type-C state machine re-enable pending. More...
uint8_t volatile ccOvpPending
 OVP fault pending on CC line. More...
cy_en_usbpd_dpdm_mux_cfg_t curDpdmCfg
 DP/DM MUX config per port.
cy_en_usbpd_sbu_switch_state_t sbu1State
 SBU Switch 1 State per port.
cy_en_usbpd_sbu_switch_state_t sbu2State
 SBU Switch 2 State per port.
cy_en_usbpd_aux_resistor_config_t aux1Config
 Aux 1 Resistor State.
cy_en_usbpd_aux_resistor_config_t aux2Config
 Aux 2 Resistor State.
cy_cb_vbus_fault_t vconnOcpCbk
 Callback function for VCONN OCP fault.
cy_cb_vbus_fault_t vbusOvpCbk
 Callback function for VBUS OVP fault.
cy_cb_vbus_fault_t vbusUvpCbk
 Callback function for VBUS UVP fault.
cy_cb_vbus_fault_t vbusOcpCbk
 Callback function for VBUS OCP fault.
cy_cb_vbus_fault_t ccSbuOvpCbk
 Callback function for CC/SBU OVP fault.
cy_cb_vbus_fault_t vbusRcpCbk
 Callback function for VBUS RCP fault.
cy_cb_vbus_fault_t vbusScpCbk
 Callback function for VBUS SCP fault.
cy_usbpd_evt_cbk_t usbpdEventsCbk
 Callback function for USBPD driver events.
cy_usbpd_typec_evt_cbk_t typecEventsCbk
 Callback function for Type C driver events.
void * pdStackContext
 Pointer to the PDSTACK Context. More...
 Pointer to the usbpd config structure. More...
cy_cb_pd_dpm_get_config_t dpmGetConfig
 Pointer to the DPM status structure. More...
cy_cable_comp_vbus_cur_cbk cableCompVbusCurCbk
 The Vbus current change callback handler, refer to 'cy_cable_comp_vbus_cur_cbk'. More...
cy_stc_cable_comp_cfg_t cableStat
 Cable compensation structure.
cy_stc_slow_discharge_cfg_t vbusSlowDischarge
 VBUS slow discharge structure.
cy_timer_start_t timerStartcbk
 Callback function for fault timer start.
cy_timer_stop_t timerStopcbk
 Callback function for fault timer stop.
cy_timer_is_running_t timerIsRunningcbk
 Callback function for fault timer is running.
cy_timer_get_multiplier_t timerGetMultipliercbk
 Callback function for get timer multiplier.
cy_slow_discharge_t vbusSlowDischargecbk
 Callback function for vbus slow discharge.
cy_vbus_cf_cbk_t cfCbk
 Callback function for vbus current foldback.
volatile bool vbtrIdle
 Flag that indicates VBUS voltage transition is in idle state. More...
cy_cb_adc_events_t vbtrCbk
 Callback function for VBUS voltage transition. More...
volatile bool ibtrIdle
 Flag that indicates VBUS current transition is in idle state. More...
cy_cb_adc_events_t ibtrCbk
 Callback function for VBUS current transition. More...
 GPIO port base for VBAT-GND SCP. More...
uint32_t vbatGndFetPin
 GPIO pin number for VBAT-GND SCP. More...
bool vbatGndScpEnStatus
 Flag that indicates the enable/disable status for VBAT-GND SCP.
uint8_t vbatGndScpMode
 Flag that indicates the VBAT-GND SCP mode.
bool vbatGndScpPgdoType
 Flag that indicates gate driver type for VBAT-GND SCP FET.
cy_cb_adc_events_t vbatGndScpCb
 Callback function for VBAT-GND SCP.
bool bbIlimDetEnStatus
 Inductor current limit fault enable/disable flag.
volatile bool brownOutDetEnStatus
 VDDD regulator brown out fault detect enable/disable flag.
volatile bool vregInrushDetEnStatus
 VDDD regulator current inrush fault detect enable/disable flag.
volatile bool vbtrSrcPending
 VBTR module source transition pending status.
volatile bool vbtrSnkPending
 VBTR module sink transition pending status.
cy_cb_vbus_fault_t bbOvpCbk
 Buck boost soft start voltage ramp OVP callback function. More...
bool cfEnStatus
 Current foldback enable status.
bool vinUvpIsEnabled
 Input under voltage protection enable status.
cy_cb_adc_events_t vinUvpCbk
 Callback function to be executed on input under voltage event.
bool vinOvpIsEnabled
 Input over voltage protection enable status.
cy_cb_adc_events_t vinOvpCbk
 Callback function to be executed on input over voltage event.
cy_cb_vbus_fault_t vconnScpCbk
 Callback function for VCONN SCP fault.
const void * cfg_table
 Pointer to configuration table.
cy_cb_adc_events_t pdsScpCbk
 Callback function for PDS SCP comparator.
cy_cb_adc_events_t ccUpCbk
 Callback function for CC Up comparator.
cy_cb_adc_events_t ccDnCbk
 Callback function for CC Down comparator.
cy_cb_adc_events_t bbIlimCbk
 Callback function for iLim comparator.
cy_cb_adc_events_t vregInrushCbk
 Callback function for Internal regulator (VREG) inrush detection.
cy_cb_adc_events_t bodCbk
 Callback function for Brown Out Detection (BOD) detection.
bool bbEnableStatus
 Buck-boost regulation enable status.
bool bbEnableDoneStatus
 Buck-boost regulation enable sequence complete status.
uint16_t bbSsPwmDuty
 Variable to keep soft start pwm duty.
uint8_t pollForVsys
 Enable polling for VSYS status change.
struct cy_stc_usbpd_context_t_ * altPortUsbPdCtx [NO_OF_TYPEC_PORTS]
 USBPD context pointer for all ports. More...
cy_cb_vbus_fault_t voutRcpCbk
 Callback function for BB Vout RCP fault.

Field Documentation

◆ port

uint8_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::port

USBPD port Index.

◆ pdPhyCbk

cy_cb_usbpd_phy_handle_events_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::pdPhyCbk

PD phy callback.

◆ supplyChangeCbk

cy_usbpd_supply_change_cbk_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::supplyChangeCbk

Supply Change callback.

◆ rxPkt

cy_stc_pd_packet_extd_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::rxPkt

The received PD packet.

◆ txDatPtr

uint32_t* cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::txDatPtr

The tx data pointer.

◆ adcRefVddd

volatile bool cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::adcRefVddd[CY_USBPD_ADC_NUM_ADC]

ADC block Vref.

◆ adcVdddMv

volatile uint16_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::adcVdddMv[CY_USBPD_ADC_NUM_ADC]

ADC block Vref.

◆ vbusMonDiv

uint8_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::vbusMonDiv

VBUS Monitor divider.

◆ vbusDetachAdcInp

cy_en_usbpd_adc_input_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::vbusDetachAdcInp

ADC input index.

◆ vbusDetachAdcId

cy_en_usbpd_adc_id_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::vbusDetachAdcId

ADC ID index.

◆ adcCb

cy_cb_adc_events_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::adcCb[CY_USBPD_ADC_NUM_ADC]

ADC callback.

◆ txDobjCount

uint8_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::txDobjCount

The tx data count.

◆ txObjSent

uint8_t volatile cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::txObjSent

The tx data pointer.

◆ retryCnt

int8_t volatile cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::retryCnt

Holds retry count.

◆ hpdTransmitEnable

bool cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::hpdTransmitEnable

HPD transmit enable.

◆ hpdReceiveEnable

bool cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::hpdReceiveEnable

HPD receive enable.

◆ hpdCbk

cy_cb_usbpd_hpd_events_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::hpdCbk

HPD event callback.

◆ hpdState

bool cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::hpdState

This flag keeps track of HPD Connection status.

It is used in HPD CHANGE wakeup interrupt.

◆ bcPhyCbk

cy_cb_bc_phy_events_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::bcPhyCbk

BC phy callback.

◆ bcQcPulseCount

int volatile cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::bcQcPulseCount

QC3.0 net pulse count (+ve = D+ pulse, -ve = D- pulse).

◆ autoToggleEn

uint8_t volatile cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::autoToggleEn

Auto toggle enable from stack.

◆ autoToggleAct

uint8_t volatile cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::autoToggleAct

Auto toggle active state.

◆ typecStartPending

uint8_t volatile cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::typecStartPending

Type-C state machine re-enable pending.

◆ ccOvpPending

uint8_t volatile cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::ccOvpPending

OVP fault pending on CC line.

◆ pdStackContext

void* cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::pdStackContext

Pointer to the PDSTACK Context.

◆ usbpdConfig

cy_stc_usbpd_config_t* cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::usbpdConfig

Pointer to the usbpd config structure.

◆ dpmGetConfig

cy_cb_pd_dpm_get_config_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::dpmGetConfig

Pointer to the DPM status structure.

◆ cableCompVbusCurCbk

cy_cable_comp_vbus_cur_cbk cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::cableCompVbusCurCbk

The Vbus current change callback handler, refer to 'cy_cable_comp_vbus_cur_cbk'.

◆ vbtrIdle

volatile bool cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::vbtrIdle

Flag that indicates VBUS voltage transition is in idle state.

◆ vbtrCbk

cy_cb_adc_events_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::vbtrCbk

Callback function for VBUS voltage transition.

◆ ibtrIdle

volatile bool cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::ibtrIdle

Flag that indicates VBUS current transition is in idle state.

◆ ibtrCbk

cy_cb_adc_events_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::ibtrCbk

Callback function for VBUS current transition.

◆ vbatGndFetPort

GPIO_PRT_Type* cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::vbatGndFetPort

GPIO port base for VBAT-GND SCP.

◆ vbatGndFetPin

uint32_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::vbatGndFetPin

GPIO pin number for VBAT-GND SCP.

◆ bbOvpCbk

cy_cb_vbus_fault_t cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::bbOvpCbk

Buck boost soft start voltage ramp OVP callback function.

OVP is detected using UVP comparator.

◆ altPortUsbPdCtx

struct cy_stc_usbpd_context_t_* cy_stc_usbpd_context_t::altPortUsbPdCtx[NO_OF_TYPEC_PORTS]

USBPD context pointer for all ports.