CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library
cy_stc_smartio_config_t Struct Reference


Smart I/O configuration structure.

Data Fields

cy_en_smartio_clksrc_t clkSrc
 Smart I/O instance clock source.
uint8_t bypassMask
 Smart I/O io<->chip channel bypass mask.
uint8_t ioSyncEn
 Synchronization enable/disable for I/O terminals.
uint8_t chipSyncEn
 Synchronization enable/disable for Chip terminals.
const cy_stc_smartio_lutcfg_tlutCfg0
 Pointer to LUT0 configuration (NULL if not used)
const cy_stc_smartio_lutcfg_tlutCfg1
 Pointer to LUT1 configuration (NULL if not used)
const cy_stc_smartio_lutcfg_tlutCfg2
 Pointer to LUT2 configuration (NULL if not used)
const cy_stc_smartio_lutcfg_tlutCfg3
 Pointer to LUT3 configuration (NULL if not used)
const cy_stc_smartio_lutcfg_tlutCfg4
 Pointer to LUT4 configuration (NULL if not used)
const cy_stc_smartio_lutcfg_tlutCfg5
 Pointer to LUT5 configuration (NULL if not used)
const cy_stc_smartio_lutcfg_tlutCfg6
 Pointer to LUT6 configuration (NULL if not used)
const cy_stc_smartio_lutcfg_tlutCfg7
 Pointer to LUT7 configuration (NULL if not used)
const cy_stc_smartio_ducfg_tduCfg
 Pointer to Data Unit configuration (NULL if not used)
bool hldOvr
 Hold override enable (true) / disable (false)