CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library
cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t Struct Reference


Structure to hold port dpm status variables which are common to the driver and stack.

Data Fields

cy_en_pd_devtype_t attachedDev
 Type of device attached. More...
uint32_t volatile typecEvt
 Stores Type C events. More...
bool dpmEnabled
 DPM enabled flag. More...
bool volatile connect
 Port connected but not debounced yet. More...
bool volatile attach
 Port attached indication. More...
bool volatile contractExist
 PD contract exists indication. More...
bool toggle
 DRP toggle is enabled. More...
bool volatile vconnLogical
 VCONN logical status. More...
bool cblDsc
 Cable discovery control knob. More...
bool volatile emcaPresent
 EMCA cable present indication. More...
bool volatile skipScan
 Skip CC scanning control knob. More...
cy_en_pd_port_type_t curPortType
 Current port type: UFP or DFP. More...
cy_en_pd_pd_rev_t specRevSopLive
 Current spec rev for SOP messages. More...
bool frTxEnLive
 Fast role signal auto send enabled.
bool frRxEnLive
 Fast role signal detection enabled.
uint8_t volatile snkCurLevel
 Type C current level in sink role. More...
cy_pd_cc_state_t ccOldStatus
 Old CC status. More...
cy_en_pd_port_role_t curPortRole
 Current Port role: Sink or Source. More...
uint8_t srcCurLevelLive
 Current Type C current level in the source role. More...
uint8_t ccStat [2]
 Current state of the CC1 and CC2 pins. More...
uint8_t polarity
 CC channel polarity (CC1=0, CC2=1)
uint8_t revPol
 CC channel reverse polarity. More...

Field Documentation

◆ attachedDev

cy_en_pd_devtype_t cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::attachedDev

Type of device attached.

◆ typecEvt

uint32_t volatile cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::typecEvt

Stores Type C events.

◆ dpmEnabled

bool cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::dpmEnabled

DPM enabled flag.

◆ connect

bool volatile cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::connect

Port connected but not debounced yet.

◆ attach

bool volatile cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::attach

Port attached indication.

◆ contractExist

bool volatile cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::contractExist

PD contract exists indication.

◆ toggle

bool cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::toggle

DRP toggle is enabled.

◆ vconnLogical

bool volatile cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::vconnLogical

VCONN logical status.

◆ cblDsc

bool cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::cblDsc

Cable discovery control knob.

◆ emcaPresent

bool volatile cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::emcaPresent

EMCA cable present indication.

◆ skipScan

bool volatile cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::skipScan

Skip CC scanning control knob.

◆ curPortType

cy_en_pd_port_type_t cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::curPortType

Current port type: UFP or DFP.

◆ specRevSopLive

cy_en_pd_pd_rev_t cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::specRevSopLive

Current spec rev for SOP messages.

◆ snkCurLevel

uint8_t volatile cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::snkCurLevel

Type C current level in sink role.

◆ ccOldStatus

cy_pd_cc_state_t cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::ccOldStatus

Old CC status.

◆ curPortRole

cy_en_pd_port_role_t cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::curPortRole

Current Port role: Sink or Source.

◆ srcCurLevelLive

uint8_t cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::srcCurLevelLive

Current Type C current level in the source role.

◆ ccStat

uint8_t cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::ccStat[2]

Current state of the CC1 and CC2 pins.

◆ revPol

uint8_t cy_stc_pd_dpm_config_t::revPol

CC channel reverse polarity.