CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library
cy_stc_csd_config_t Struct Reference


CSD configuration structure.

This structure contains all register values of the CSD HW block. This structure is provided by middleware through the Cy_CSD_Init() and Cy_CSD_Configure() functions to implement the CSD HW block supported sensing modes like self-cap / mutual-cap scanning, etc.

Data Fields

uint32_t config
 Stores the CSD.CONFIG register value.
uint32_t spare
 Stores the CSD.SPARE register value.
uint32_t status
 Stores the CSD.STATUS register value.
uint32_t statSeq
 Stores the CSD.STAT_SEQ register value.
uint32_t statCnts
 Stores the CSD.STAT_CNTS register value.
uint32_t statHcnt
uint32_t resultVal1
 Stores the CSD.RESULT_VAL1 register value.
uint32_t resultVal2
 Stores the CSD.RESULT_VAL2 register value.
uint32_t adcRes
 Stores the CSD.ADC_RES register value.
uint32_t intr
 Stores the CSD.INTR register value.
uint32_t intrSet
 Stores the CSD.INTR_SET register value.
uint32_t intrMask
 Stores the CSD.INTR_MASK register value.
uint32_t intrMasked
 Stores the CSD.INTR_MASKED register value.
uint32_t hscmp
 Stores the CSD.HSCMP register value.
uint32_t ambuf
 Stores the CSD.AMBUF register value.
uint32_t refgen
 Stores the CSD.REFGEN register value.
uint32_t csdCmp
 Stores the CSD.CSDCMP register value.
uint32_t swRes
 Stores the CSD.SW_RES register value.
uint32_t sensePeriod
 Stores the CSD.SENSE_PERIOD register value.
uint32_t senseDuty
 Stores the CSD.SENSE_DUTY register value.
uint32_t swHsPosSel
 Stores the CSD.SW_HS_P_SEL register value.
uint32_t swHsNegSel
 Stores the CSD.SW_HS_N_SEL register value.
uint32_t swShieldSel
 Stores the CSD.SW_SHIELD_SEL register value.
uint32_t swAmuxbufSel
 Stores the CSD.SW_AMUXBUF_SEL register value.
uint32_t swBypSel
 Stores the CSD.SW_BYP_SEL register value.
uint32_t swCmpPosSel
 Stores the CSD.SW_CMP_P_SEL register value.
uint32_t swCmpNegSel
 Stores the CSD.SW_CMP_N_SEL register value.
uint32_t swRefgenSel
 Stores the CSD.SW_REFGEN_SEL register value.
uint32_t swFwModSel
 Stores the CSD.SW_FW_MOD_SEL register value.
uint32_t swFwTankSel
 Stores the CSD.SW_FW_TANK_SEL register value.
uint32_t swDsiSel
 Stores the CSD.SW_DSI_SEL register value.
uint32_t ioSel
uint32_t seqTime
 Stores the CSD.SEQ_TIME register value.
uint32_t seqInitCnt
 Stores the CSD.SEQ_INIT_CNT register value.
uint32_t seqNormCnt
 Stores the CSD.SEQ_NORM_CNT register value.
uint32_t adcCtl
 Stores the CSD.ADC_CTL register value.
uint32_t seqStart
 Stores the CSD.SEQ_START register value.
uint32_t idacA
 Stores the CSD.IDACA register value.
uint32_t idacB
 Stores the CSD.IDACB register value.