CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library


 Driver major version.
 Driver minor version.
#define CY_SEGLCD_ID   (CY_PDL_DRV_ID(0x40U))
 SegLCD driver ID.
 Specifies the pixel in the display pixel map array which is not connected.
#define CY_SEGLCD_PIXEL(segNum, comLine)   (CY_SEGLCD_ITEM(segNum, comLine))
 Makes the pixel identifier from the LCD segment terminal number and the user defined common line number. More...
#define CY_SEGLCD_COMMON(comNum, comLine)   (CY_SEGLCD_ITEM(comNum, comLine))
 Makes the common line identifier from the LCD common terminal number and the user defined common line number. More...
#define CY_SEGLCD_NUM_BLANK   ((char_t)16U)
 Space/blank/empty symbol code for the numeric type of fonts.
 14-segment fontMap array item size (in bytes)
 16-segment fontMap array item size (in bytes)
 5x8 dot matrix fontMap array item size (in bytes)

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CY_SEGLCD_PIXEL (   segNum,
)    (CY_SEGLCD_ITEM(segNum, comLine))

Makes the pixel identifier from the LCD segment terminal number and the user defined common line number.

It should be used to display pixel map (pixMap) array definitions for cy_stc_seglcd_disp_t.


#define CY_SEGLCD_COMMON (   comNum,
)    (CY_SEGLCD_ITEM(comNum, comLine))

Makes the common line identifier from the LCD common terminal number and the user defined common line number.

It should be used for commons array definitions for Cy_SegLCD_ClrFrame and Cy_SegLCD_InvFrame.