CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library


cy_en_cryptolite_status_t Cy_Cryptolite_Rsa_Verify (CRYPTOLITE_Type *base, uint16_t digestLength, uint8_t *digest, uint8_t *rsaSignature, uint16_t rsaLength, cy_stc_cryptolite_rsa_pub_key_t *key, uint8_t *processedDigest)
 RSA verification with checks for content, padding and signature format. More...
void Cy_Cryptolite_Rsa_Coeff (CRYPTOLITE_Type *base, cy_stc_cryptolite_rsa_pub_key_t *key)
 This function calculates the RSA related coefficients. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ Cy_Cryptolite_Rsa_Verify()

cy_en_cryptolite_status_t Cy_Cryptolite_Rsa_Verify ( CRYPTOLITE_Type *  base,
uint16_t  digestLength,
uint8_t *  digest,
uint8_t *  rsaSignature,
uint16_t  rsaLength,
cy_stc_cryptolite_rsa_pub_key_t key,
uint8_t *  processedDigest 

RSA verification with checks for content, padding and signature format.

SHA digest of the message and decrypted message should be calculated before. Supports only PKCS1-v1_5 format, inside of this format supported padding using only SHA, cases with MD2 and MD5 are not supported.

The digest and decryptedSignature buffers must be 4 byte aligned

Returns the verification result

baseThe pointer to the CRYPTOLITE instance.
digestLengthSHA digest length.
digestThe pointer to the hash of the message or the message whose signature is to be verified.
rsaSignatureThe pointer to the encrypted RSA signature which is required to be decrypted.
rsaLengthThe length of the RSA signature (in bytes).
keyPointer to RSA Public key and additional coefficients information.
processedDigestPointer to hold processed digest from RSA signature.
Function Usage
/* Define variable to store the address and information related to
* public key and relevant coefficients */
/* Define a boolean status variable */
/* SHA related variables */
/* Input data (size can be user defined) */
uint8_t dataInput[1024];
/* Define data structures required */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t inputDigest[CY_CRYPTOLITE_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t publicKey[384];
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t rsaSignature[384];
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t barrettCoeff[VU_BITS_TO_BYTES_WORD_ALIGN(3072+1)];
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t montInvCoeff[VU_BITS_TO_BYTES_WORD_ALIGN(3072+1)];
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t rBarCoeff[VU_BITS_TO_BYTES_WORD_ALIGN(3072)];
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t processedDigest[VU_BITS_TO_BYTES_WORD_ALIGN(3072)];
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t publicKeyExp[3] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x01}; /* 65537 */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t buffer[ 4*VU_BITS_TO_WORDS(2*3072+1)
+ 4*VU_BITS_TO_WORDS(2*3072+1)
+ 4*VU_BITS_TO_WORDS(3072)];
/* Initialize the Key Information with proper addresses */
keyInfo.moduloPtr = publicKey;
keyInfo.moduloLength = 3072;
keyInfo.barretCoefPtr = barrettCoeff;
keyInfo.inverseModuloPtr = montInvCoeff;
keyInfo.rBarPtr = rBarCoeff;
keyInfo.privateBuffer = buffer;
keyInfo.pubExpPtr = publicKeyExp;
keyInfo.pubExpLength = 17;
/* This flag must be set to "true" if RSA coefficients are not pre-calculated. */
keyInfo.calculateCoeff = true;
/* Set SHA Mode */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Cryptolite_Sha_SetMode(
CY_CRYPTOLITE_SHA_MODE_SHA256, /* Cryptolite SHA Mode */
&context); /* Pointer to SHA context structure */
/* Calculate SHA digest */
if (CY_CRYPTOLITE_SUCCESS == cryptoStatus)
/* Hash the message by using the Cryptolite SHA operation with SHA-256 mode */
cryptoStatus = Cy_Cryptolite_Sha(
CRYPTOLITE, /* Base address of the Crypto block registers */
(const uint8_t *)dataInput, /* Pointer to message */
sizeof(dataInput), /* Message size (in bytes) */
inputDigest, /* Pointer to digest buffer */
&context); /* Pointer to SHA context structure */
/* Verify RSA signature */
if (CY_CRYPTOLITE_SUCCESS == cryptoStatus)
rsaStatus = Cy_Cryptolite_Rsa_Verify(CRYPTOLITE,

◆ Cy_Cryptolite_Rsa_Coeff()

void Cy_Cryptolite_Rsa_Coeff ( CRYPTOLITE_Type *  base,
cy_stc_cryptolite_rsa_pub_key_t key 

This function calculates the RSA related coefficients.

baseThe pointer to the CRYPTOLITE instance.
keyPointer to RSA Public key and additional coefficients information.
Function Usage
/* Define variable to store the address and information related to
* public key and relevant coefficients */
/* Define data structures required */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t publicKey[384];
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t barrettCoeff[VU_BITS_TO_BYTES_WORD_ALIGN(3072+1)];
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t montInvCoeff[VU_BITS_TO_BYTES_WORD_ALIGN(3072+1)];
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t rBarCoeff[VU_BITS_TO_BYTES_WORD_ALIGN(3072)];
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t publicKeyExp[3] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x01}; /* 65537 */
CY_ALIGN(4) uint8_t buffer[ 4*VU_BITS_TO_WORDS(2*3072+1)
+ 4*VU_BITS_TO_WORDS(2*3072+1)
+ 4*VU_BITS_TO_WORDS(3072)];
/* Initialize the Key Information with proper addresses */
keyInfo.moduloPtr = publicKey;
keyInfo.moduloLength = 3072;
keyInfo.barretCoefPtr = barrettCoeff;
keyInfo.inverseModuloPtr = montInvCoeff;
keyInfo.rBarPtr = rBarCoeff;
keyInfo.privateBuffer = buffer;
keyInfo.pubExpPtr = publicKeyExp;
keyInfo.pubExpLength = 17;
Cy_Cryptolite_Rsa_Coeff(CRYPTOLITE, &keyInfo);
/* This flag must be set to "true" as RSA coefficients are calculated previously. */
keyInfo.calculateCoeff = false;