CAT2 Peripheral Driver Library

This section describes the CAN FD Macros. More...


 RX Interrupt masks
 This section contains interrupt bit masks to be used with:
 TX Interrupt masks
 This section contains interrupt bit masks to use with:
 Error Interrupt masks
 This section contains interrupt bit masks to be used with:
 Interrupt line selection masks
 Interrupt line selection masks.
 Protocol Status Register (PSR) masks
 Masks and bit positions of the Protocol Status Register (PSR) fields.


 Driver major version.
 Driver minor version.
#define CY_CANFD_ID   CY_PDL_DRV_ID (0x45U)
 CAN FD driver ID.
 Size of word data bytes in a receive or transmit operation (16word = 64byte)
#define CY_CANFD_RX_FIFO0   (0U)
 FIFO number 0.
#define CY_CANFD_RX_FIFO1   (1U)
 FIFO number 1.

Detailed Description

This section describes the CAN FD Macros.

These Macros can be used to check the interrupt and status flags. Detailed information about the macros is available in each macro description.