MTB CAT1 Peripheral driver library
cy_stc_syspm_core_buck_params_t Struct Reference


The structure contains syspm core buck configuration parameters.

This structure is available for CAT1B devices.

Data Fields

uint8_t voltageSel
 Core Buck Voltage Select cy_en_syspm_core_buck_voltage_t.
uint8_t mode
 Core Buck Mode : 0x01 - Low Power Mode, 0x11 - High Power Mode(Low Ripple Mode)
bool override
 Core Buck Override : Forces Corebuck to use the setting in the PWR_CBUCK_CTL register.
bool copySettings
 Core Buck Copy Settings : Copies the current CBUCK composite state to PWR_CBUCK_CTL register.
bool useSettings
 Core Buck use Settings : Causes the settings in PWR_CBUCK_CTL to be used in CBUCK settings decision.
uint8_t inRushLimitSel
 Core Buck In Rush Limit Selection 0: 10mA limit 1: 100mA limit.