Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
PDM/PCM (Pulse Density Modulation to Pulse Code Modulation Converter)

The CAT1A PDM/PCM Supports the following conversion parameters:

If the PDM/PCM block is initialized using the cyhal_pdm_pcm_init function and the "channel recording swap" option is selected, the CYHAL_PDM_PCM_MODE_LEFT and CYHAL_PDM_PCM_MODE_RIGHT enum members refer to the origin left and right channels before the swap is applied.

The CAT1B PDM/PCM Supports the following conversion parameters:

On CAT1B devices, if stereo mode is selected, the length of all read operations should be a multiple of two so that the left and right channels are read together.
On CAT1B devices, when multiple channels are configured in a configurator, each channel should be initialized via a separate call to cyhal_pdm_pcm_init_cfg.