Device Firmware Update (DFU) Middleware Library 6.0
Device Firmware Update (DFU) Middleware Library 6.0 Documentation


The purpose of the DFU middleware library is to provide an SDK for updating firmware images. The middleware allows creating these types of projects:

  • The application loader receives an image and programs it into memory.
  • A loadable application is transferred and programmed.

A project can contain the features of both types.

General Description

Include cy_dfu.h to get access to all functions and other declarations in this library.

The DFU SDK has the following features:

  • Reads firmware images from a host through a number of transport interfaces, e.g. UART, I2C, SPI, CANFD
  • Supports dynamic switching (during runtime) of the communication interfaces
  • Provides ready-for-use transport interface templates based on HAL/PDL drivers for CAT1 devices
  • Supported flow: MCUBoot compatibility
  • Device support: CAT1B (PSOC Control C3)
  • Programs a firmware image to the specified address in internal flash, XIP region or any external memory that supports the DFU API
  • Validates applications
  • Supports encrypted image files - transfers encrypted images without decrypting in the middle
  • Supports customization
  • Supports the CRC-32 checksum to validate data.
  • Supports extend of the host command/response protocol with custom commands.

Quick Start Guide

DFU Transport (MCUBoot compatible) flow


The DFU supports the usage of the MCUBoot as a bootloader and provides a transport layer for transferring a new application image to the slot. Set macro CY_DFU_FLOW to CY_DFU_MCUBOOT_FLOW to enable this flow.

STEP1: Projects preparation.

  1. Create a ModusToolbox™ application for the CAT1B device.
    For example:

    • the KIT_PSC3M5_EVK can be used as CAT1B;

    Create a new application in the ModusToolbox™ IDE using an appropriate BSP and an empty application as a template (Empty App). Name it "DFU_App0". For details, refer to the ModusToolbox™ 3.x IDE Quick Start Guide.

    The ModusToolbox™ PSOC Edge Protect Bootloader application must be used as a base project for the KIT_PSC3M5_EVK application loader. Please refer to the project documentation for set-up and configuration.
  2. Include the DFU middleware into the project using the ModusToolbox™ Library Manager.
  3. Add the DFU transport components to project's Makefile to enable the transport interface(s). In our case, I2C is used:
  4. Add the DFU User component:
  5. Update project's Makefile to use MCUBoot flow:

STEP2: Add DFU logic to main.c

  1. Include the required headers:
    #include "cy_dfu.h"
    #include "cy_dfu_logging.h"
  2. Initialize the variables:
    static cy_stc_dfu_params_t dfuParams;
    static cy_en_dfu_status_t dfuStatus;
    * DFU state, one of the:
    static uint32_t state = CY_DFU_STATE_NONE;
    /* Timeout for Cy_DFU_Continue(), in milliseconds */
    static const uint32_t paramsTimeout = 20U;
    /* Buffer to store DFU commands */
    CY_ALIGN(4) static uint8_t buffer[CY_DFU_SIZEOF_DATA_BUFFER];
    /* Buffer for DFU data packets for transport API */
    CY_ALIGN(4) static uint8_t packet[CY_DFU_SIZEOF_CMD_BUFFER];
  3. Call the DFU initialization function:
    /* Initialize dfuParams structure */
    dfuParams.timeout = paramsTimeout;
    dfuParams.dataBuffer = &buffer[0];
    dfuParams.packetBuffer = &packet[0];
    dfuStatus = Cy_DFU_Init(&state, &dfuParams);
    if (CY_DFU_SUCCESS != dfuStatus)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("DFU initialization is failed");
    /* Stop program execution if DFU init failed */
  4. Initialize the DFU transport layer. Refer to the Firmware Update via I2C section.
  5. Start the I2C transport:
  6. Update the main loop with the Host Command/Response protocol processing:
    uint32_t count = 0U;
    for (;;)
    dfuStatus = Cy_DFU_Continue(&state, &dfuParams);
    if (state == CY_DFU_STATE_FINISHED)
    * Completed loading the application image
    * Validate the DFU application. Stop transporting if the application is valid.
    * NOTE Implement Cy_DFU_ValidateApp on the application level
    dfuStatus = Cy_DFU_ValidateApp(1U, &dfuParams);
    if (dfuStatus == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
    CY_DFU_LOG_INF("The application image is successfully loaded");
    else if (dfuStatus == CY_DFU_ERROR_VERIFY)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Error during application verifying");
    * Restarts loading, the alternatives to Halt MCU are here
    * or switch to the other app if it is valid.
    * Error code can be handled here, which means print to debug UART.
    dfuStatus = Cy_DFU_Init(&state, &dfuParams);
    else if (state == CY_DFU_STATE_FAILED)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Error during loading process");
    * An error occurred during the loading process.
    * Handle it here. This code just restarts the loading process.
    dfuStatus = Cy_DFU_Init(&state, &dfuParams);
    else if (state == CY_DFU_STATE_UPDATING)
    * The paramsTimeout variable is equal to the time DFU waits for the
    * next Host command.
    bool passed5seconds = count >= (5000U/paramsTimeout);
    * if no command was received within 5 seconds after the loading
    * started, restart loading.
    if (dfuStatus == CY_DFU_SUCCESS)
    count = 0U;
    else if (dfuStatus == CY_DFU_ERROR_TIMEOUT)
    if (passed5seconds != 0U)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Timeout error");
    count = 0U;
    Cy_DFU_Init(&state, &dfuParams);
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Error during updating state");
    count = 0U;
    /* Delay because Transport may still be sending an error response to the host. */
    (void) mtb_hal_system_delay_ms(paramsTimeout);
    Cy_DFU_Init(&state, &dfuParams);
    To use DFU logging, initialize the retarget-io middleware

STEP3: Build and Program Loader Application

Connect your kit to the computer. Build and program the device.

The CY_DFU_PRODUCT warning displays if default values are used and they need to be changed. CY_DFU_PRODUCT can be defined in the Makefile.

STEP4: Create a loadable application (Application 1).

  1. Create a ModusToolbox™ application for the same devices as in STEP1. Use an empty application as a template (Empty App). Name it "DFU_App1".
  2. Update the project post build steps to generate HEX files with an offset to the memory region of the loadable application.
  • Added Makefile variables for generating the HEX file.
  • Add a post build step to put the loadable application at the upgradable area offset
# Custom post-build commands to run.
cp -f $(BINARY_PATH).hex $(BINARY_PATH)_raw.hex;\
rm -f $(BINARY_PATH).hex;\
$(HEX_TOOL) --change-addresses=$(APP_OFFSET) $(HEX_TOOL_OPTIONS) $(BINARY_PATH).elf $(BINARY_PATH).hex;
  1. Load the application to the device using the DFU Host Tool. Refer to the DFU Host Tool user guide for the details of using the HEX file as an input.
    Only DFU Host Tool v2.0 or later support the HEX file as an input.

Design Considerations

Supported transports:

DevicesI2C (HAL-Next)UART (HAL-Next)SPI (HAL-Next)CANFD (PDL)
CAT1B (PSOC Control C3) Supported Supported Supported Supported

Firmware Update via transports based on HAL-Next

The next transports support HAL-Next flow:

  • I2C
  • UART
  • SPI

To configure transport based on HAL-Next flow:

  • Add to COMPONENTS varialbe in the Makefile DFU_<transport name> (Example: DFU_UART, DFU_I2C, etc)
  • Configure the communication protocol in Device Configurator. The Device Configurator will generate appropriate configuration structures and macro for the protocol initialization by PDL and HAL APIs. The DFU middleware does not re-configure any protocol settings like baudrate, data width, address, etc.
  • Configure the HW using PDL initialization APIs. For some transport, configure the interrupt too.
  • Setup HAL driver by appropriate HAL APIs
  • Create the DFU transport callback function. Typically, this function enables or disables HW by PDL APIs. For some cases, this function makes full HW initialization instead of only enabling/disabling. This callback will be automatically called by DFU middleware during the protocol selection.
  • Create transport DFU initialization structure. This structure has pointers to the HAL driver object and DFU transport callback.
Check the next subsections for code snippets with transports configuration

Firmware Update via I2C

The I2C specific configuration options:

  • The size of the buffer for sending and receiving data is configured by macro. By default the 128 bytes are selected but the size can be re-configured in the Makefile. Add DFU_I2C_TX_BUFFER_SIZE and DFU_I2C_RX_BUFFER_SIZE to the define variable and assign new values:
  • The I2C transport requires configured interrupt routine
  • To add transport to build, add DFU_I2C to COMPONENTS variable in the Makefile:

The Example of I2C transport configuration:

  • Include the required header files:
    1. PDL/HAL drivers specific headers
    2. cybsp.h - to use generated code from the Device Configurator
    3. DFU core and transport headers.
      #include "transport_i2c.h"
      #include "cy_dfu.h"
      #include "cy_dfu_logging.h"
      #include "mtb_hal_i2c.h"
      #include "cy_scb_i2c.h"
      #include "cy_sysint.h"
      #include "cybsp.h"
  • Define the global variables - first is the HAL driver object to be provided to transport and the second is PDL driver context.
    static mtb_hal_i2c_t dfuI2cHalObj; /* I2C transport HAL object */
    static cy_stc_scb_i2c_context_t dfuI2cContext;
  • Create interrupt handler for I2C HW
    void dfuI2cIsr(void)
  • Create I2C transport callback
    void dfuI2cTransportCallback(cy_en_dfu_transport_i2c_action_t action)
    if (action == CY_DFU_TRANSPORT_I2C_INIT)
    CY_DFU_LOG_INF("I2C transport is enabled");
    else if (action == CY_DFU_TRANSPORT_I2C_DEINIT)
    Cy_SCB_I2C_Disable(DFU_I2C_HW, &dfuI2cContext);
    CY_DFU_LOG_INF("I2C transport is disabled");
  • Configure I2C HW using PDL initialization APIs, then set up the HAL driver and configure the I2C interrupt
    cy_en_scb_i2c_status_t pdlI2cStatus;
    cy_en_sysint_status_t pdlSysIntStatus;
    cy_rslt_t halStatus;
    pdlI2cStatus = Cy_SCB_I2C_Init(DFU_I2C_HW, &DFU_I2C_config, &dfuI2cContext);
    if (CY_SCB_I2C_SUCCESS != pdlI2cStatus)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Error during I2C PDL initialization. Status: %X", pdlI2cStatus);
    halStatus = mtb_hal_i2c_setup(&dfuI2cHalObj, &DFU_I2C_hal_config, &dfuI2cContext, NULL);
    if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS != halStatus)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Error during I2C HAL initialization. Status: %lX", halStatus);
    cy_stc_sysint_t i2cIsrCfg =
    .intrSrc = DFU_I2C_IRQ,
    .intrPriority = 3U
    pdlSysIntStatus = Cy_SysInt_Init(&i2cIsrCfg, dfuI2cIsr);
    if (CY_SYSINT_SUCCESS != pdlSysIntStatus)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Error during I2C Interrupt initialization. Status: %X", pdlSysIntStatus);
    NVIC_EnableIRQ((IRQn_Type) i2cIsrCfg.intrSrc);
    CY_DFU_LOG_INF("I2C transport is initialized");
    cy_stc_dfu_transport_i2c_cfg_t i2cTransportCfg =
    .i2c = &dfuI2cHalObj,
    .callback = dfuI2cTransportCallback,
    Select the I2C HW and configure it in the Device Configurator, then, write the next name for the DFU_I2C example.

Firmware Update via UART

The UART specific configuration options:

  • To add transport to the build, add the DFU_UART to COMPONENTS variable in the Makefile:

The Example of UART transport configuration:

  • Include the required header files:
    1. cybsp.h to use generated code from the Device Configurator
    2. cybsp.h to use generated code from Device-Configurator
    3. DFU core and transport headers.
      #include "transport_uart.h"
      #include "cy_dfu.h"
      #include "cy_dfu_logging.h"
      #include "mtb_hal_uart.h"
      #include "cy_scb_uart.h"
      #include "cybsp.h"
  • Define the global variables - first is the HAL driver object to be provided to transport and the second is PDL driver context.
    static mtb_hal_uart_t dfuUartHalObj; /* UART transport HAL object */
    static cy_stc_scb_uart_context_t dfuUartContext;
  • Create UART transport callback
    void dfuUartTransportCallback(cy_en_dfu_transport_uart_action_t action)
    if (action == CY_DFU_TRANSPORT_UART_INIT)
    CY_DFU_LOG_INF("UART transport is enabled");
    else if (action == CY_DFU_TRANSPORT_UART_DEINIT)
    Cy_SCB_UART_Disable(DFU_UART_HW, &dfuUartContext);
    CY_DFU_LOG_INF("UART transport is disabled");
  • Configure UART HW using PDL initialization APIs, then set up the HAL driver and configure the UART interrupt
    cy_en_scb_uart_status_t pdlUartStatus;
    cy_rslt_t halStatus;
    pdlUartStatus = Cy_SCB_UART_Init(DFU_UART_HW, &DFU_UART_config, &dfuUartContext);
    if (CY_SCB_UART_SUCCESS != pdlUartStatus)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Error during UART PDL initialization. Status: %X", pdlUartStatus);
    halStatus = mtb_hal_uart_setup(&dfuUartHalObj, &DFU_UART_hal_config, &dfuUartContext, NULL);
    if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS != halStatus)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Error during UART HAL initialization. Status: %lX", halStatus);
    CY_DFU_LOG_INF("UART transport is initialized");
    cy_stc_dfu_transport_uart_cfg_t uartTransportCfg =
    .uart = &dfuUartHalObj,
    .callback = dfuUartTransportCallback,
    Select the UART HW and configure it in the Device Configurator, write the next name for the DFU_UART example.

Firmware Update via SPI

The SPI specific configuration options:

  • The SPI transport requires configured interrupt routine
  • To add transport to the build, add the DFU_SPI to COMPONENTS variable in the Makefile:

The Example of SPI transport configuration:

  • Include the required header files:
    1. PDL/HAL drivers specific headers
    2. cybsp.h to use generated code from the Device Configurator
    3. DFU core and transport headers.
      #include "transport_spi.h"
      #include "cy_dfu.h"
      #include "cy_dfu_logging.h"
      #include "mtb_hal_spi.h"
      #include "cy_scb_spi.h"
      #include "cy_sysint.h"
      #include "cybsp.h"
  • Define the global variables - first is the HAL driver object to be provided to transport and the second is PDL driver context.
    static mtb_hal_spi_t dfuSpiHalObj; /* SPI transport HAL object */
    static cy_stc_scb_spi_context_t dfuSpiContext;
  • Create interrupt handler for SPI HW
    void dfuSpiIsr(void)
  • Create SPI transport callback
    void dfuSpiTransportCallback(cy_en_dfu_transport_spi_action_t action)
    if (action == CY_DFU_TRANSPORT_SPI_INIT)
    CY_DFU_LOG_INF("SPI transport is enabled");
    else if (action == CY_DFU_TRANSPORT_SPI_DEINIT)
    Cy_SCB_SPI_Disable(DFU_SPI_HW, &dfuSpiContext);
    CY_DFU_LOG_INF("SPI transport is disabled");
  • Configure SPI HW using PDL initialization APIs, then set up the HAL driver and configure the SPI interrupt
    cy_en_scb_spi_status_t pdlSpiStatus;
    cy_en_sysint_status_t pdlSysIntStatus;
    cy_rslt_t halStatus;
    pdlSpiStatus = Cy_SCB_SPI_Init(DFU_SPI_HW, &DFU_SPI_config, &dfuSpiContext);
    if (CY_SCB_SPI_SUCCESS != pdlSpiStatus)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Error during SPI PDL initialization. Status: %X", pdlSpiStatus);
    halStatus = mtb_hal_spi_setup(&dfuSpiHalObj, &DFU_SPI_hal_config, &dfuSpiContext, NULL);
    if (CY_RSLT_SUCCESS != halStatus)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Error during SPI HAL initialization. Status: %lX", halStatus);
    cy_stc_sysint_t spiIsrCfg =
    .intrSrc = DFU_SPI_IRQ,
    .intrPriority = 3U
    pdlSysIntStatus = Cy_SysInt_Init(&spiIsrCfg, dfuSpiIsr);
    if (CY_SYSINT_SUCCESS != pdlSysIntStatus)
    CY_DFU_LOG_ERR("Error during SPI Interrupt initialization. Status: %X", pdlSysIntStatus);
    NVIC_EnableIRQ((IRQn_Type) spiIsrCfg.intrSrc);
    CY_DFU_LOG_INF("SPI transport is initialized");
    cy_stc_dfu_transport_spi_cfg_t spiTransportCfg =
    .spi = &dfuSpiHalObj,
    .callback = dfuSpiTransportCallback,
    Select the SPI HW and configure it in the Device Configurator, write the next name for the DFU_SPI example.

Firmware Update via CAN FD transport

Specific steps for the CAN FD transport support:

  • Add the CAN FD transport components to the project Makefile:
  • The CAN FD interrupt priority can be configured using the DFU_CANFD_IRQ_PRIORITY macro, for example:

Use of the Device-Configuratorâ„¢ tools for CAN-FD HW initialization

To set up the CAN FD personality in the ModusToolbox™ Device Configurator for the CAN FD DFU transport for PSOC Control C3, see the screenshots below. For other devices, verify the CAN Rx and CAN Tx pins connections.

General settings - set the personality alias and CAN FD mode:

Parameter name Value
Personality alias name DFU_CANFD
CAN FD Mode Enabled

Bitrate settings - configure prescaler, time segments and syncronization jump width:

Parameter name Value
Nominal Prescaler Set according to nominal bitrate setting in the DFU Host Tool
Nominal Time Segment 1
Nominal Time Segment 1
Nominal Syncronization Jump Width
Data Prescaler Set according to data bitrate setting in the DFU Host Tool
Data Time Segment 1
Data Time Segment 1
Data Syncronization Jump Width

ID Filter settings - configure standard or extended frame ID filter:

Parameter name Value
Number of SID Filters 1 if standard frame is used, 0 otherwise
Number of XID Filters 1 if extended frame is used, 0 otherwise
Standard Filter Element Configuration Store into Rx Buffer or as Debug Message
SFID1/EFID1 As configured in the DFU Host Tool
Store the Received Message Store Message into an Rx Buffer
Rx Bufer Element 0

Global Filter & Rx Buffers settings - configure global filter and Rx buffer:

Parameter name Value
Accept Non-matcing Frames Standard Reject
Accept Non-matcing Frames Extended Reject
Reject Remote Frames Standard Enabled
Reject Remote Frames Extended Enabled
Rx Bufer Data Field Size 64 Byte Data Field
Number of Rx Buffers 1

Tx Buffers & Tx Buffer #0 settings - configure Tx buffer:

Parameter name Value
Tx Bufer Data Field Size 64 Byte Data Field
Number of Tx Buffers 1
XTD As configured in the DFU Host Tool
DLC and Data will be set by the middleware according to the specific transaction.

Change checksum types

DFU supports two types of checksums:

  • transport packet checksum
  • application image checksum.

For a packet, DFU supports 2 types of checksums: Basic summation and CRC-16CCITT. The basic summation checksum is computed by adding all the bytes (excluding the checksum) and then taking the 2's complement. CRC-16CCITT - the 16-bit CRC using the CCITT algorithm. The packet checksum type is selected with a macro CY_DFU_OPT_PACKET_CRC in dfu_user.h file: 0 - basic summation (default), 1 - for CRC-16.


VersionChangesReason for Change
6.0.0 Migrate DFU middleware to the HAL Next flow
5.2.0 Added USB HID transport based on the emUSB-Device middleware for the CAT1A device Extending the current feature
Added CANFD transport based on the PDL driver for the CAT1C device Extending the current feature
Minor updates in the templates Improved the templates usability
Fixed address validation for CAT1C device Bugfix
5.1.0 Added USB CDC transport based on the emUSB-Device middleware for the CAT1A device Extending the current feature
Minor updates in the templates Improved the templates usability
Corrected the name of the UART object used in the cyhal_uart_set_baud() function Now, works correctly the custom baud rate configuring in the UART transport
5.0.0 Add support of the MCUBoot flow. New functionality.
Add support of the transport switching at the run time. New functionality.
CAT1 device flash read/write operation and I2C/SPI/UART transport templates updated to use mtb-hal-cat1 drivers instead of mtb-pdl-cat1. Enhance code portability.
Removed Cy_DFU_Complete function as not used. Code cleanup.
Removed CAT1A BLE transport templates. BLESS stack is not supported in the MTB 3.0.
4.20 Added USB CDC transport configuration for the CAT2 PDL. Add support for the USB interface for the PMG1 device family.
Updated timeout time for the CAT1A SPI transport. Fixed the DFU Host Tool timeout error for the CAT1A SPI transport caused by the incorrect function call (transport_spi.c file, SPI_SpiCyBtldrCommRead() function).
Minor documentation update. Documentation improvement.
4.10 Added PSOC 4 devices support. Extended device support.
Added MISRA-C:2012 compliance. MISRA standard compliance.
Updated SPI communication timeout granularity. Fixed SPI communication issue.
4.0 Updated the linker scripts to use the single pre-compiled CM0p image. The upgradeable part of the image is the CM4 application. Support ModusToolbox v2.0 build flow.
Added the ARM compiler version 6 support (version 5 is not supported).
Added the USB interface (virtual COM port) transport template.
Removed the Secure Application Formats support. Secure Application Formats is not supported in ModusToolbox v2.0 build flow.
Fixed the return value for the SYNC command processing. The SYCN command returned fail after successful execution.
Updated the major and minor version defines to follow the naming convention.
3.10 Remove the function prototype from the MDK linker script include file. Fix the linker error for the MDK compiler.
Add BLE transport templates. Add BLE middleware support.
3.0 Bootloader SDK is renamed to the DFU (Device Firmware Update) SDK. All API prefixes and file names are renamed accordingly.
Added BWC macros to simplify migration.
Avoid the confusion with the device boot-up and OS load.
Flattened the organization of the driver source code into the single source directory and the single include directory. Driver library directory-structure simplification.
2.20 Add check of application number in Set Application Metadata command processing routine. Prevent incorrect usage of the Set Application Metadata command.
Minor documentation updates Documentation improvement
2.10 Moved address and golden image checks from cy_dfu.c to Cy_DFU_WriteData() in dfu_user.c, so the checks can be customized based on application needs. Allows receiving an update for the running app use case. Improvements made based on usability feedback. Documentation update and clarification.
  • Use the shared RAM for application switching instead of the BACKUP register.
  • Add support of secure application verification.
  • Add support of I2C/SPI/BLE transport protocols.
  • Linker scripts updated for PSOC6 Rev *A devices.
  • Made CRC default application checksum.
To increase functionality.
1.0 Initial version.

More Information

For more information, refer to the links in the