CAPSENSE™ Middleware Library 6.10.0
Middleware State Macros

General Description

Middleware state macros.


#define CY_CAPSENSE_BUSY   (0x80u)
 The CAPSENSE™ middleware is busy.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_NOT_BUSY   (0x00u)
 The CAPSENSE™ middleware is not busy.
 The CAPSENSE™ middleware busy mask.
#define CY_CAPSENSE_BUSY_CH_MASK   (0x01u)
 The MSCv3 channel busy mask.
 All MSCv3 channels busy mask.
 There was any sensor touch detected at the previous low power widget scan.
 The BIST is currently in progress.
 The auto-calibration in Single CDAC mode.
 The auto-calibration is currently in progress.
 The smart sensing algorithm is currently in progress.
 The middleware initialization is currently in progress.
 The currently active or last scanned slot ID mask.
 Current scan slot position in status.