Bluetooth Host Stack Library
wiced_bt_gatt_app_response_buffer_t Struct Reference


Structure to hold the response buffer and the application context for that buffer.

Application fills the structure members with a pointer to send a server response.

The application may free/release/deallocate the p_app_rsp_buffer pointer on receiving a GATT_APP_BUFFER_TRANSMITTED_EVT with wiced_bt_gatt_buffer_transmitted_t::p_app_data = p_app_rsp_buffer and wiced_bt_gatt_buffer_transmitted_t::p_app_ctxt = p_app_ctxt

Data Fields

uint8_t * p_app_rsp_buffer
 Pointer to assign the buffer allocated by the app.
wiced_bt_gatt_app_context_t p_app_ctxt
 Application context for p_app_rsp_buffer.