Bluetooth Host Stack Library
wiced_ble_ext_scan_results_t Struct Reference


Extended scan results.

Data Fields

wiced_ble_ext_adv_evt_type_mask_t ext_evt_type
 extended scan evt type
uint8_t ble_addr_type
 LE Address type.
wiced_bt_device_address_t remote_bd_addr
 Device address.
uint8_t primary_phy
 Primary PHY, valid only if is_extended is True.
uint8_t secondary_phy
 Secondary PHY, valid only if is_extended is True.
uint8_t adv_sid
 advertisement security ID, valid only if is_extended is True
uint8_t tx_power
 Tx power, valid only if is_extended is True.
int8_t rssi
 Set to BTM_INQ_RES_IGNORE_RSSI, if not valid.
uint16_t periodic_adv_interval
 Periodic advertisement interval, valid only if is_extended is True.
uint8_t direct_addr_type
 Directed address type, valid only if is_extended is True.
wiced_bt_device_address_t direct_bda
 Directed address, valid only if is_extended is True.
uint16_t adv_len
 length of the adv_data