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AIROC™ BTSDK v4.9 - Documentation | |||
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Data Structures | |
struct | arm_cm3_regs_t |
struct | wiced_bt_nvram_coredump_t |
Macros | |
Functions | |
void | wiced_bt_nvram_coredump_enable (void) |
Enables writing the coredump to the VS section of nvram. More... | |
BOOL8 | wiced_bt_nvram_coredump_is_found (wiced_bt_nvram_coredump_t *p_data) |
This function checks if there is coredump data stored in nvram. More... | |
void | wiced_bt_nvram_coredump_delete (void) |
This function deletes the coredump data that was stored in nvram. More... | |
Provides the API definitions for the nvram coredump interface used for the dbfw_lib.a library
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