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wiced_bt_avrc_defs.h File Reference

Bluetooth AVRCP Definition and Data Types. More...

Data Structures

struct  wiced_bt_avrc_hdr_t
 AV/C message header. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_msg_unit_t
 UNIT INFO message. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_msg_sub_t
 SUBUNIT INFO message. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_msg_vendor_t
 VENDOR DEPENDENT message. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_msg_pass_t
 PASS THROUGH message. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_msg_browse_t
 Browsing channel message. More...
union  wiced_bt_avrc_msg_t
 AVRC message (dependent on message opcode) More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_full_name_t
 Full name structure defines character set, name length and the name. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_name_t
 AVRC name structure defines name length and the name of the folder. More...
union  wiced_bt_avrc_caps_param_t
 Get capabilities can be used to find the company ID or list of the events supported by the target. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_app_setting_t
 This structure is used in Get/Set application parameter values. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_app_setting_text_t
 This structure is used to pass attribute name. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_item_player_t
 Remote player information. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_item_folder_t
 Folder item as received from the target or being sent to the controller. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_attr_entry_t
 This structure is used to pass verious entries passed in the GetElement or GetItem. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_item_media_t
 Media item as received from the target or being sent to the controller. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_item_t
 This structure is used to pass AVRC items retrieved from the player to the application. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_caps_cmd_t
 GetCapability. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_list_app_values_cmd_t
 ListPlayerAppValues. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_cur_app_value_cmd_t
 GetCurAppValue. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_set_app_value_cmd_t
 SetAppValue. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_app_attr_txt_cmd_t
 GetAppAttrTxt. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_app_val_txt_cmd_t
 GetAppValueTxt. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_inform_charset_cmd_t
 InformCharset. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_battery_status_cmd_t
 InformBatteryStatus. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_elem_attrs_cmd_t
 GetElementAttributes. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_reg_notif_cmd_t
 RegisterNotification. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_set_addr_player_cmd_t
 SetAddressedPlayer. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_set_br_player_cmd_t
 SetBrowsedPlayer. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_set_volume_cmd_t
 SetAbsVolume. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_items_cmd_t
 GetFolderItems. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_chg_path_cmd_t
 ChangePath. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_attrs_cmd_t
 GetItemAttrs. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_search_cmd_t
 Search. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_play_item_cmd_t
 PlayItem. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_add_to_play_cmd_t
 AddToNowPlaying. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_num_of_items_cmd_t
 GetTotalNumOfItems. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_cmd_t
 Generic AVRC command. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_next_cmd_t
 Continue and Abort. More...
union  wiced_bt_avrc_command_t
 AVRC commands. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_caps_rsp_t
 GetCapability. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_list_app_attr_rsp_t
 ListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributes. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_list_app_values_rsp_t
 ListPlayerApplicationSettingValues. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_cur_app_value_rsp_t
 GetCurAppValue. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_app_attr_txt_rsp_t
 GetAppAttrTxt. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_elem_attrs_rsp_t
 GetElementAttributes. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_play_status_rsp_t
 GetPlayStatus. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_addr_player_param_t
 notification event parameter for AddressedPlayer change More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_player_app_param_t
 Notification event parameter for Player Application setting change. More...
union  wiced_bt_avrc_notif_rsp_param_t
 This union can hold verious notifications as received from the target. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_reg_notif_rsp_t
 RegNotify. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_set_volume_rsp_t
 SetAbsVolume. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_set_br_player_rsp_t
 SetBrowsedPlayer. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_items_rsp_t
 GetFolderItems. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_chg_path_rsp_t
 ChangePath. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_attrs_rsp_t
 GetItemAttributes. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_get_num_of_items_rsp_t
 GetTotalNumberOfItems. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_search_rsp_t
 Search. More...
struct  wiced_bt_avrc_rsp_t
 Generic AVRC response. More...
union  wiced_bt_avrc_response_t
 AVRC response messages. More...


#define AVRC_REV_1_0   0x0100
 AVRC Profile version 1.0.
#define AVRC_REV_1_3   0x0103
 AVRC Profile version 1.3.
#define AVRC_REV_1_4   0x0104
 AVRC Profile version 1.4.
#define AVRC_REV_1_5   0x0105
 AVRC Profile version 1.5.
#define AVRC_REV_1_6   0x0106
 AVRC Profile version 1.6.
#define AVRC_PACKET_LEN   512
 AVRC Packet Length. More...
 Per the spec, minimum MTU for the control channel.
#define AVRC_MIN_BROWSE_MTU   335
 Per the spec, minimum MTU for the browsing channel.
 Offset of the PDU in the packet.
#define AVRC_SUB_TYPE_LEN   4
 Subtype field length.
#define AVRC_UID_SIZE   8
 UID filed length.
 Feature mask size in the ITEM PLAYER.
#define AVRC_STATE_PRESS   0
 State flag for Passthrough commands. More...
 button released
#define AVRC_PKT_SINGLE   0
 Define the Metadata Packet types. More...
#define AVRC_PKT_START   1
 Pakcet Start.
 Packet Continue.
#define AVRC_PKT_END   3
 End Packet.
#define AVRC_PKT_TYPE_MASK   3
 Packet type mask.
#define AVRC_PDU_NEXT_GROUP   0x00
 Define the vendor unique id carried in the pass through data. More...
#define AVRC_PDU_PREV_GROUP   0x01
 Previous Group.
 the only pass through vendor unique commands defined by AVRC is the group navigation commands The len for vendor unique data is 5
#define AVRC_CAP_COMPANY_ID   0x02
 Define the Capability IDs. More...
 Capability ID Events Supported.
 Length of the company ID filed.
 Capability offset.
 Define the Player Application Settings IDs. More...
 Repeat settings.
 Shuffle On/Off status.
 Scan On/Off status.
#define AVRC_PLAYER_VAL_OFF   0x01
 Define the possible values of the Player Application Settings. More...
#define AVRC_PLAYER_VAL_ON   0x02
 Value on for equalizer, shuffle, scan.
 Single track repeat.
 All tracks repeat.
 Group repeat.
 All tracks shuffle.
 Group shuffle.
 All tracks scan.
 Group scan.
 Define the possible values of Battery Status PDU. More...
 unable to operate soon. More...
 cannot operate any more. More...
 Connecting to external power supply.
 when the device is completely charged. More...
#define AVRC_CHAR_SET_SIZE   2
 Define character set.
#define AVRC_MAX_VOLUME   0x7F
 Maximum value for volume.
 folder type Mixed
 folder type Titles
 folder type Albums
 folder type Artists
 folder type Genres
 folder type Playlists
 folder type Years
 Major player type Audio.
 Major player type Video.
 Major player type Broadcasting Audio.
 Major player type Broadcasting Video.
 Major player type invalid.
 Player subtype undefined.
 Player subtype Audio Book.
 Player subtype Podcast.
 Player subtype invalid.
#define AVRC_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO   0x00
 media item - media type audio
#define AVRC_MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO   0x01
 media item - media type videor
#define AVRC_DIR_UP   0x00
 Folder Up.
#define AVRC_DIR_DOWN   0x01
 Folder Down.
#define AVRC_UID_SIZE   8
 UID filed length.
#define AVRC_PF_SELECT_MASK   0x01
#define AVRC_PF_SELECT_OFF   0
#define AVRC_PF_UP_BIT_NO   1
#define AVRC_PF_UP_MASK   0x02
#define AVRC_PF_UP_OFF   0
#define AVRC_PF_DOWN_BIT_NO   2
#define AVRC_PF_DOWN_MASK   0x04
#define AVRC_PF_DOWN_OFF   0
#define AVRC_PF_LEFT_BIT_NO   3
#define AVRC_PF_LEFT_MASK   0x08
#define AVRC_PF_LEFT_OFF   0
#define AVRC_PF_RIGHT_BIT_NO   4
#define AVRC_PF_RIGHT_MASK   0x10
#define AVRC_PF_RIGHT_OFF   0
#define AVRC_PF_RIGHTUP_MASK   0x20
#define AVRC_PF_LEFTUP_MASK   0x80
#define AVRC_PF_LEFTUP_OFF   0
#define AVRC_PF_LEFTDOWN_MASK   0x01
#define AVRC_PF_ROOT_MENU_MASK   0x02
#define AVRC_PF_SETUP_MENU_MASK   0x04
#define AVRC_PF_EXIT_BIT_NO   13
#define AVRC_PF_EXIT_MASK   0x20
#define AVRC_PF_EXIT_OFF   1
#define AVRC_PF_0_BIT_NO   14
#define AVRC_PF_0_MASK   0x40
#define AVRC_PF_0_OFF   1
#define AVRC_PF_0_SUPPORTED(x)   ((x)[AVRC_PF_0_OFF] & AVRC_PF_0_MASK)
#define AVRC_PF_1_BIT_NO   15
#define AVRC_PF_1_MASK   0x80
#define AVRC_PF_1_OFF   1
#define AVRC_PF_1_SUPPORTED(x)   ((x)[AVRC_PF_1_OFF] & AVRC_PF_1_MASK)
#define AVRC_PF_2_BIT_NO   16
#define AVRC_PF_2_MASK   0x01
#define AVRC_PF_2_OFF   2
#define AVRC_PF_2_SUPPORTED(x)   ((x)[AVRC_PF_2_OFF] & AVRC_PF_2_MASK)
#define AVRC_PF_3_BIT_NO   17
#define AVRC_PF_3_MASK   0x02
#define AVRC_PF_3_OFF   2
#define AVRC_PF_3_SUPPORTED(x)   ((x)[AVRC_PF_3_OFF] & AVRC_PF_3_MASK)
#define AVRC_PF_4_BIT_NO   18
#define AVRC_PF_4_MASK   0x04
#define AVRC_PF_4_OFF   2
#define AVRC_PF_4_SUPPORTED(x)   ((x)[AVRC_PF_4_OFF] & AVRC_PF_4_MASK)
#define AVRC_PF_5_BIT_NO   19
#define AVRC_PF_5_MASK   0x08
#define AVRC_PF_5_OFF   2
#define AVRC_PF_5_SUPPORTED(x)   ((x)[AVRC_PF_5_OFF] & AVRC_PF_5_MASK)
#define AVRC_PF_6_BIT_NO   20
#define AVRC_PF_6_MASK   0x10
#define AVRC_PF_6_OFF   2
#define AVRC_PF_6_SUPPORTED(x)   ((x)[AVRC_PF_6_OFF] & AVRC_PF_6_MASK)
#define AVRC_PF_7_BIT_NO   21
#define AVRC_PF_7_MASK   0x20
#define AVRC_PF_7_OFF   2
#define AVRC_PF_7_SUPPORTED(x)   ((x)[AVRC_PF_7_OFF] & AVRC_PF_7_MASK)
#define AVRC_PF_8_BIT_NO   22
#define AVRC_PF_8_MASK   0x40
#define AVRC_PF_8_OFF   2
#define AVRC_PF_8_SUPPORTED(x)   ((x)[AVRC_PF_8_OFF] & AVRC_PF_8_MASK)
#define AVRC_PF_9_BIT_NO   23
#define AVRC_PF_9_MASK   0x80
#define AVRC_PF_9_OFF   2
#define AVRC_PF_9_SUPPORTED(x)   ((x)[AVRC_PF_9_OFF] & AVRC_PF_9_MASK)
#define AVRC_PF_DOT_BIT_NO   24
#define AVRC_PF_DOT_MASK   0x01
#define AVRC_PF_DOT_OFF   3
#define AVRC_PF_ENTER_BIT_NO   25
#define AVRC_PF_ENTER_MASK   0x02
#define AVRC_PF_ENTER_OFF   3
#define AVRC_PF_CLEAR_BIT_NO   26
#define AVRC_PF_CLEAR_MASK   0x04
#define AVRC_PF_CLEAR_OFF   3
#define AVRC_PF_CHNL_UP_BIT_NO   27
#define AVRC_PF_CHNL_UP_MASK   0x08
#define AVRC_PF_CHNL_UP_OFF   3
#define AVRC_PF_CHNL_DOWN_MASK   0x10
#define AVRC_PF_PREV_CHNL_MASK   0x20
#define AVRC_PF_SOUND_SEL_MASK   0x40
#define AVRC_PF_INPUT_SEL_MASK   0x80
#define AVRC_PF_DISP_INFO_MASK   0x01
#define AVRC_PF_HELP_BIT_NO   33
#define AVRC_PF_HELP_MASK   0x02
#define AVRC_PF_HELP_OFF   4
#define AVRC_PF_PAGE_UP_BIT_NO   34
#define AVRC_PF_PAGE_UP_MASK   0x04
#define AVRC_PF_PAGE_UP_OFF   4
#define AVRC_PF_PAGE_DOWN_MASK   0x08
#define AVRC_PF_POWER_BIT_NO   36
#define AVRC_PF_POWER_MASK   0x10
#define AVRC_PF_POWER_OFF   4
#define AVRC_PF_VOL_UP_BIT_NO   37
#define AVRC_PF_VOL_UP_MASK   0x20
#define AVRC_PF_VOL_UP_OFF   4
#define AVRC_PF_VOL_DOWN_BIT_NO   38
#define AVRC_PF_VOL_DOWN_MASK   0x40
#define AVRC_PF_VOL_DOWN_OFF   4
#define AVRC_PF_MUTE_BIT_NO   39
#define AVRC_PF_MUTE_MASK   0x80
#define AVRC_PF_MUTE_OFF   4
#define AVRC_PF_PLAY_BIT_NO   40
#define AVRC_PF_PLAY_MASK   0x01
#define AVRC_PF_PLAY_OFF   5
#define AVRC_PF_STOP_BIT_NO   41
#define AVRC_PF_STOP_MASK   0x02
#define AVRC_PF_STOP_OFF   5
#define AVRC_PF_PAUSE_BIT_NO   42
#define AVRC_PF_PAUSE_MASK   0x04
#define AVRC_PF_PAUSE_OFF   5
#define AVRC_PF_RECORD_BIT_NO   43
#define AVRC_PF_RECORD_MASK   0x08
#define AVRC_PF_RECORD_OFF   5
#define AVRC_PF_REWIND_BIT_NO   44
#define AVRC_PF_REWIND_MASK   0x10
#define AVRC_PF_REWIND_OFF   5
#define AVRC_PF_FAST_FWD_BIT_NO   45
#define AVRC_PF_FAST_FWD_MASK   0x20
#define AVRC_PF_FAST_FWD_OFF   5
#define AVRC_PF_EJECT_BIT_NO   46
#define AVRC_PF_EJECT_MASK   0x40
#define AVRC_PF_EJECT_OFF   5
#define AVRC_PF_FORWARD_MASK   0x80
#define AVRC_PF_BACKWARD_MASK   0x01
#define AVRC_PF_ANGLE_BIT_NO   49
#define AVRC_PF_ANGLE_MASK   0x02
#define AVRC_PF_ANGLE_OFF   6
#define AVRC_PF_F1_BIT_NO   51
#define AVRC_PF_F1_MASK   0x08
#define AVRC_PF_F1_OFF   6
#define AVRC_PF_F2_BIT_NO   52
#define AVRC_PF_F2_MASK   0x10
#define AVRC_PF_F2_OFF   6
#define AVRC_PF_F3_BIT_NO   53
#define AVRC_PF_F3_MASK   0x20
#define AVRC_PF_F3_OFF   6
#define AVRC_PF_F4_BIT_NO   54
#define AVRC_PF_F4_MASK   0x40
#define AVRC_PF_F4_OFF   6
#define AVRC_PF_F5_BIT_NO   55
#define AVRC_PF_F5_MASK   0x80
#define AVRC_PF_F5_OFF   6
#define AVRC_PF_VENDOR_BIT_NO   56
#define AVRC_PF_VENDOR_MASK   0x01
#define AVRC_PF_VENDOR_OFF   7
#define AVRC_PF_GROUP_NAVI_MASK   0x02
#define AVRC_PF_ADV_CTRL_BIT_NO   58
#define AVRC_PF_ADV_CTRL_MASK   0x04
#define AVRC_PF_ADV_CTRL_OFF   7
#define AVRC_PF_BROWSE_BIT_NO   59
#define AVRC_PF_BROWSE_MASK   0x08
#define AVRC_PF_BROWSE_OFF   7
#define AVRC_PF_SEARCH_BIT_NO   60
#define AVRC_PF_SEARCH_MASK   0x10
#define AVRC_PF_SEARCH_OFF   7
#define AVRC_PF_UID_UNIQUE_MASK   0x40
#define AVRC_PF_BR_WH_ADDR_BIT_NO   63
#define AVRC_PF_BR_WH_ADDR_MASK   0x80
#define AVRC_PF_BR_WH_ADDR_OFF   7
#define AVRC_PF_NOW_PLAY_BIT_NO   65
#define AVRC_PF_NOW_PLAY_MASK   0x02
#define AVRC_PF_NOW_PLAY_OFF   8
#define AVCT_CMD   0 /* Command message */
#define AVCT_RSP   2 /* Response message */
#define AVCT_REJ   3 /* Message rejected */
#define AVRC_CMD   AVCT_CMD /* Command message */
#define AVRC_RSP   AVCT_RSP /* Response message */
#define AVRC_CAP_MAX_NUM_EVT_ID   16
AVRC message types

#define AVRC_CMD_CTRL   0
 Instruct a target to perform an operation.
#define AVRC_CMD_STATUS   1
 Check a device’s current status.
#define AVRC_CMD_SPEC_INQ   2
 Check whether a target supports a particular control command; all operands are included.
#define AVRC_CMD_NOTIF   3
 Used for receiving notification of a change in a device’s state.
#define AVRC_CMD_GEN_INQ   4
 Check whether a target supports a particular control command; operands are not included.
#define AVRC_RSP_NOT_IMPL   8
 The target does not implement the command specified by the opcode and operand, or doesn’t implement the specified subunit.
#define AVRC_RSP_ACCEPT   9
 The target executed or is executing the command.
#define AVRC_RSP_REJ   10
 The target implements the command specified by the opcode but cannot respond because the current state of the target doesn’t allow it.
#define AVRC_RSP_IN_TRANS   11
 The target implements the status command but it is in a state of transition; the status command may be retried at a future time.
#define AVRC_RSP_IMPL_STBL   12
 For specific inquiry or general inquiy commands, the target implements the command; for status commands, the target returns stable and includes the status results.
#define AVRC_RSP_CHANGED   13
 The response frame contains a notification that the target device’s state has changed.
#define AVRC_RSP_INTERIM   15
 For control commands, the target has accepted the request but cannot return information within 100 milliseconds; for notify commands, the target accepted the command, and will notify the controller of a change of target state at a future time.
AVRC subunit types

#define AVRC_SUB_MONITOR   0x00
#define AVRC_SUB_AUDIO   0x01
#define AVRC_SUB_PRINTER   0x02
#define AVRC_SUB_DISC   0x03
#define AVRC_SUB_TAPE   0x04
 Tape recorder/player.
#define AVRC_SUB_TUNER   0x05
#define AVRC_SUB_CA   0x06
#define AVRC_SUB_CAMERA   0x07
#define AVRC_SUB_PANEL   0x09
#define AVRC_SUB_BB   0x0A
 Bulletin Board.
#define AVRC_SUB_CAM_STOR   0x0B
 Camera Storage.
#define AVRC_SUB_VENDOR   0x1C
 Vendor unique.
#define AVRC_SUB_EXT   0x1E
 Subunit type extended to next byte.
#define AVRC_SUB_UNIT   0x1F
AVRC message opcodes (defined by 1394ta).

#define AVRC_OP_UNIT_INFO   0x30
 Report unit information.
#define AVRC_OP_SUB_INFO   0x31
 Report subunit information.
#define AVRC_OP_VENDOR   0x00
 Vendor-dependent commands.
#define AVRC_OP_PASS_THRU   0x7C
 panel subunit opcode
#define AVRC_OP_BROWSE   0xFF
#define AVRC_OP_INVALID   0xFE
Company IDs

 Bluetooth SIG.
#define AVRC_CO_WIDCOMM   0x00000361
 Widcomm Inc. More...
#define AVRC_CO_BROADCOM   0x00001018
 Cypress Semiconductor.
#define AVRC_CO_METADATA   0x00001958
 AVRC metadata messages.
Operation ID list for Passthrough commands

#define AVRC_ID_SELECT   0x00 /* select */
#define AVRC_ID_UP   0x01 /* up */
#define AVRC_ID_DOWN   0x02 /* down */
#define AVRC_ID_LEFT   0x03 /* left */
#define AVRC_ID_RIGHT   0x04 /* right */
#define AVRC_ID_RIGHT_UP   0x05 /* right-up */
#define AVRC_ID_RIGHT_DOWN   0x06 /* right-down */
#define AVRC_ID_LEFT_UP   0x07 /* left-up */
#define AVRC_ID_LEFT_DOWN   0x08 /* left-down */
#define AVRC_ID_ROOT_MENU   0x09 /* root menu */
#define AVRC_ID_SETUP_MENU   0x0A /* setup menu */
#define AVRC_ID_CONT_MENU   0x0B /* contents menu */
#define AVRC_ID_FAV_MENU   0x0C /* favorite menu */
#define AVRC_ID_EXIT   0x0D /* exit */
#define AVRC_ID_0   0x20 /* 0 */
#define AVRC_ID_1   0x21 /* 1 */
#define AVRC_ID_2   0x22 /* 2 */
#define AVRC_ID_3   0x23 /* 3 */
#define AVRC_ID_4   0x24 /* 4 */
#define AVRC_ID_5   0x25 /* 5 */
#define AVRC_ID_6   0x26 /* 6 */
#define AVRC_ID_7   0x27 /* 7 */
#define AVRC_ID_8   0x28 /* 8 */
#define AVRC_ID_9   0x29 /* 9 */
#define AVRC_ID_DOT   0x2A /* dot */
#define AVRC_ID_ENTER   0x2B /* enter */
#define AVRC_ID_CLEAR   0x2C /* clear */
#define AVRC_ID_CHAN_UP   0x30 /* channel up */
#define AVRC_ID_CHAN_DOWN   0x31 /* channel down */
#define AVRC_ID_PREV_CHAN   0x32 /* previous channel */
#define AVRC_ID_SOUND_SEL   0x33 /* sound select */
#define AVRC_ID_INPUT_SEL   0x34 /* input select */
#define AVRC_ID_DISP_INFO   0x35 /* display information */
#define AVRC_ID_HELP   0x36 /* help */
#define AVRC_ID_PAGE_UP   0x37 /* page up */
#define AVRC_ID_PAGE_DOWN   0x38 /* page down */
#define AVRC_ID_POWER   0x40 /* power */
#define AVRC_ID_VOL_UP   0x41 /* volume up */
#define AVRC_ID_VOL_DOWN   0x42 /* volume down */
#define AVRC_ID_MUTE   0x43 /* mute */
#define AVRC_ID_PLAY   0x44 /* play */
#define AVRC_ID_STOP   0x45 /* stop */
#define AVRC_ID_PAUSE   0x46 /* pause */
#define AVRC_ID_RECORD   0x47 /* record */
#define AVRC_ID_REWIND   0x48 /* rewind */
#define AVRC_ID_FAST_FOR   0x49 /* fast forward */
#define AVRC_ID_EJECT   0x4A /* eject */
#define AVRC_ID_FORWARD   0x4B /* forward */
#define AVRC_ID_BACKWARD   0x4C /* backward */
#define AVRC_ID_ANGLE   0x50 /* angle */
#define AVRC_ID_SUBPICT   0x51 /* subpicture */
#define AVRC_ID_F1   0x71 /* F1 */
#define AVRC_ID_F2   0x72 /* F2 */
#define AVRC_ID_F3   0x73 /* F3 */
#define AVRC_ID_F4   0x74 /* F4 */
#define AVRC_ID_F5   0x75 /* F5 */
#define AVRC_ID_VENDOR   0x7E /* vendor unique */
Define the PDUs carried in the vendor dependant data

 Get Capability for Company ID or Events.
 List Application Settings Attributes.
 Request the target device to list the set of possible values for the requested player application setting attribute. More...
 Request the target device to provide the current set values on the target for the provided player application setting attributes list. More...
 Request to set the player application setting list of player application setting values on the target device for the corresponding defined list of PlayerApplicationSettingAttributes. More...
 Request the target device to provide supported player application setting attribute displayable text for the provided PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeIDs. More...
 Request the target device to provide target supported player application setting value displayable text for the provided player application setting attribute values. More...
 This primitive provides the list of character sets supported by CT to the TG. More...
 This command frame is being sent by the CT to TG whenever the CT's battery status has been changed. More...
 Request the TG to provide the attributes of the element specified in the parameter. More...
 This primitive is used by the CT to get the status of the currently playing media at the TG. More...
 This primitive registers with the TG to receive notifications asynchronously based on specific events occurring. More...
 This primitive is used by CT to request for continuing response packets for the sent PDU command that has not completed. More...
 This primitive is used by CT to abort continuing response. More...
 This feature provides volume handling functionality to allow the CT to show a volume level slider or equivalent. More...
 The Set Addressed Player command is used to inform the TG of which media player the CT wishes to control. More...
 Control to which player browsing commands should be routed. More...
 This PDU can be used to retrieve a listing of the contents of a folder. More...
#define AVRC_PDU_CHANGE_PATH   0x72
 Browsing command for ChangePath.
 Retrieve the metadata attributes for a particular media element item or folder item. More...
#define AVRC_PDU_PLAY_ITEM   0x74
 Control command for Play Item. More...
 Retrieve the number of items in a folder prior to calling GetFolderItems to retrieve a listing of the contents of a folder. More...
#define AVRC_PDU_SEARCH   0x80
 This provides basic search functionality. More...
 Adds an item indicated by the UID to the Now Playing queue. More...
 The General Reject response is used in situations where the received command cannot be parsed sufficiently to return a command specific response. More...
Define the Media Attribute IDs

 Text field representing the title, song name or content description coded per specified character set. More...
 Text field representing artist(s), performer(s) or group coded per specified character set. More...
 Text field representing the title of the recording (source) from which the audio in the file is taken. More...
 Numeric ASCII string containing the order number of the audio-file on its original recording. More...
 Numeric ASCII string containing the total number of tracks or elements on the original recording. More...
 Text field representing the category of the composition characterized by a particular style. More...
 Numeric ASCII string containing the length of the audio file in milliseconds. More...
 Maximum length of the stored media attribute fields. More...
Define the events that can be registered for notifications

 Playback Status Changed.
#define AVRC_EVT_TRACK_CHANGE   0x02
 Track Changed.
 Track End Reached.
 Track Reached Start.
 Playback position changed.
 Battery status changed.
 System status changed.
 Player application settings changed.
 Now Playing Content Changed (AVRCP 1.4)
 Available Players Changed Notification (AVRCP 1.4)
 Addressed Player Changed Notification (AVRCP 1.4)
#define AVRC_EVT_UIDS_CHANGE   0x0c
 UIDs Changed Notification (AVRCP 1.4)
 Notify Volume Change (AVRCP 1.4)
#define AVRC_NUM_NOTIF_EVENTS   0x0d
 the number of events that can be registered for notifications
Define frequently used character set ids

#define AVRC_CHARSET_ID_ASCII   ((uint16_t) 0x0003)
#define AVRC_CHARSET_ID_UTF8   ((uint16_t) 0x006a)
#define AVRC_CHARSET_ID_UTF16   ((uint16_t) 0x03f7)
#define AVRC_CHARSET_ID_UTF32   ((uint16_t) 0x03f9)
AVRC Item Types

#define AVRC_ITEM_PLAYER   0x01
#define AVRC_ITEM_FOLDER   0x02
#define AVRC_ITEM_MEDIA   0x03
AVRC Scope

 Media Player Item - Contains all available media players.
 Folder Item, Media Element Item. More...
#define AVRC_SCOPE_SEARCH   0x02
 Media Element Item The results of a search operation on the browsed player.
 Media Element Item The Now Playing list (or queue) of the addressed player.


typedef uint8_t wiced_bt_avrc_battery_status_t
typedef uint8_t wiced_bt_avrc_uid_t [AVRC_UID_SIZE]
typedef uint8_t wiced_bt_avrc_feature_mask_t [AVRC_FEATURE_MASK_SIZE]

AVRC status codes.

#define AVRC_STS_BAD_CMD   0x00
 Invalid command, sent if TG received a PDU that it did not understand. More...
#define AVRC_STS_BAD_PARAM   0x01
 Invalid parameter, sent if the TG received a PDU with a parameter ID that it did not understand. More...
#define AVRC_STS_NOT_FOUND   0x02
 Specified parameter not found., sent if the parameter ID is understood, but content is wrong or corrupted. More...
#define AVRC_STS_INTERNAL_ERR   0x03
 Internal Error, sent if there are error conditions not covered by a more specific error code. More...
#define AVRC_STS_NO_ERROR   0x04
 Operation completed without error. More...
#define AVRC_STS_UID_CHANGED   0x05
 UID Changed - The UIDs on the device have changed.
#define AVRC_STS_BAD_DIR   0x07
 Invalid Direction - The Direction parameter is invalid - Change Path.
#define AVRC_STS_NOT_DIR   0x08
 Not a Directory - The UID provided does not refer to a folder item Change Path.
#define AVRC_STS_NOT_EXIST   0x09
 Does Not Exist - The UID provided does not refer to any item Change Path, PlayItem, AddToNowPlaying, GetItemAttributes.
#define AVRC_STS_BAD_SCOPE   0x0a
 Invalid Scope - The scope parameter is invalid GetFolderItems, PlayItem, AddToNowPlayer, GetItemAttributes,.
#define AVRC_STS_BAD_RANGE   0x0b
 Range Out of Bounds - The start of range provided is not valid GetFolderItems.
#define AVRC_STS_UID_IS_DIR   0x0c
 UID is a Directory - The UID provided refers to a directory, which cannot be handled by this media player PlayItem, AddToNowPlaying.
#define AVRC_STS_IN_USE   0x0d
 Media in Use - The media is not able to be used for this operation at this time PlayItem, AddToNowPlaying.
#define AVRC_STS_NOW_LIST_FULL   0x0e
 Now Playing List Full - No more items can be added to the Now Playing List AddToNowPlaying.
#define AVRC_STS_SEARCH_NOT_SUP   0x0f
 Search Not Supported - The Browsed Media Player does not support search Search.
#define AVRC_STS_SEARCH_BUSY   0x10
 Search in Progress - A search operation is already in progress Search.
#define AVRC_STS_BAD_PLAYER_ID   0x11
 Invalid Player Id - The specified Player Id does not refer to a valid player SetAddressedPlayer, SetBrowsedPlayer.
#define AVRC_STS_PLAYER_N_BR   0x12
 Player Not Browsable - The Player Id supplied refers to a Media Player which does not support browsing. More...
#define AVRC_STS_PLAYER_N_ADDR   0x13
 Player Not Addressed. More...
#define AVRC_STS_BAD_SEARCH_RES   0x14
 No valid Search Results - The Search result list does not contain valid entries, e.g. More...
#define AVRC_STS_NO_AVAL_PLAYER   0x15
 No available players ALL.
 Addressed Player Changed - Register Notification.
typedef uint8_t wiced_bt_avrc_sts_t

Possible values of the current status of playback

 Fwd Seek.
 Rev Seek.
typedef uint8_t wiced_bt_avrc_playstate_t

Define the possible values of system status

POWER_OFF and UNPLUGGED are used for Bluetooth Accessories which attach to Media Players. In this case, it will happen that Audio Player's power state is "POWER OFF" or Audio Player is detached from Bluetooth Adapter (UNPLUGGED)

 Power state On.
 Power Off.
typedef uint8_t wiced_bt_avrc_systemstate_t

Detailed Description

Bluetooth AVRCP Definition and Data Types.

Macro Definition Documentation


cannot operate any more.

Specified when battery going down.


when the device is completely charged.


Define the possible values of Battery Status PDU.

Battery operation is in normal state


unable to operate soon.

Specified when battery going down.

#define AVRC_CAP_COMPANY_ID   0x02

Define the Capability IDs.

Capability ID Company

#define AVRC_CO_WIDCOMM   0x00000361

Widcomm Inc.

Scan On/Off status.
Definition: wiced_bt_avrc_defs.h:324
#define TRUE
Macro representing a boolean true condition.
Definition: brcm_fw_types.h:184
#define FALSE
Macro representing a boolean false condition.
Definition: brcm_fw_types.h:187
#define AVRC_IS_VALID_EVENT_ID (   a)
Playback Status Changed.
Definition: wiced_bt_avrc_defs.h:389
Notify Volume Change (AVRCP 1.4)
Definition: wiced_bt_avrc_defs.h:401
#define TRUE
Macro representing a boolean true condition.
Definition: brcm_fw_types.h:184
#define FALSE
Macro representing a boolean false condition.
Definition: brcm_fw_types.h:187
#define TRUE
Macro representing a boolean true condition.
Definition: brcm_fw_types.h:184
Text field representing the title, song name or content description coded per specified character set...
Definition: wiced_bt_avrc_defs.h:357
#define FALSE
Macro representing a boolean false condition.
Definition: brcm_fw_types.h:187
Numeric ASCII string containing the length of the audio file in milliseconds.
Definition: wiced_bt_avrc_defs.h:363

Maximum length of the stored media attribute fields.


Text field representing the title of the recording (source) from which the audio in the file is taken.


Text field representing artist(s), performer(s) or group coded per specified character set.


Text field representing the category of the composition characterized by a particular style.


Numeric ASCII string containing the total number of tracks or elements on the original recording.


Numeric ASCII string containing the length of the audio file in milliseconds.


Text field representing the title, song name or content description coded per specified character set.


Numeric ASCII string containing the order number of the audio-file on its original recording.

#define AVRC_PACKET_LEN   512

AVRC Packet Length.

Per the spec, you must support 512 byte RC packets


This primitive is used by CT to abort continuing response.


Adds an item indicated by the UID to the Now Playing queue.


The General Reject response is used in situations where the received command cannot be parsed sufficiently to return a command specific response.


Request the target device to provide the current set values on the target for the provided player application setting attributes list.


Request the TG to provide the attributes of the element specified in the parameter.


This PDU can be used to retrieve a listing of the contents of a folder.


Retrieve the metadata attributes for a particular media element item or folder item.


This primitive is used by the CT to get the status of the currently playing media at the TG.


Request the target device to provide supported player application setting attribute displayable text for the provided PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeIDs.


Request the target device to provide target supported player application setting value displayable text for the provided player application setting attribute values.


Retrieve the number of items in a folder prior to calling GetFolderItems to retrieve a listing of the contents of a folder.


This command frame is being sent by the CT to TG whenever the CT's battery status has been changed.


This primitive provides the list of character sets supported by CT to the TG.


Request the target device to list the set of possible values for the requested player application setting attribute.

#define AVRC_PDU_NEXT_GROUP   0x00

Define the vendor unique id carried in the pass through data.

Next Group

#define AVRC_PDU_PLAY_ITEM   0x74

Control command for Play Item.


This primitive registers with the TG to receive notifications asynchronously based on specific events occurring.


This primitive is used by CT to request for continuing response packets for the sent PDU command that has not completed.

#define AVRC_PDU_SEARCH   0x80

This provides basic search functionality.


This feature provides volume handling functionality to allow the CT to show a volume level slider or equivalent.


The Set Addressed Player command is used to inform the TG of which media player the CT wishes to control.


Control to which player browsing commands should be routed.


Request to set the player application setting list of player application setting values on the target device for the corresponding defined list of PlayerApplicationSettingAttributes.

#define AVRC_PKT_SINGLE   0

Define the Metadata Packet types.

Packet not fragmented


Define the Player Application Settings IDs.

Equalizer On/Off status

#define AVRC_PLAYER_VAL_OFF   0x01

Define the possible values of the Player Application Settings.

Value off for equalizer, shuffle, scan


Folder Item, Media Element Item.

  • The virtual filesystem containing the media content of the browsed player
#define AVRC_STATE_PRESS   0

State flag for Passthrough commands.

button pressed

#define AVRC_STS_BAD_CMD   0x00

Invalid command, sent if TG received a PDU that it did not understand.

#define AVRC_STS_BAD_PARAM   0x01

Invalid parameter, sent if the TG received a PDU with a parameter ID that it did not understand.

Sent if there is only one parameter ID in the PDU.

#define AVRC_STS_BAD_SEARCH_RES   0x14

No valid Search Results - The Search result list does not contain valid entries, e.g.

after being invalidated due to change of browsed player GetFolderItems

#define AVRC_STS_INTERNAL_ERR   0x03

Internal Error, sent if there are error conditions not covered by a more specific error code.

#define AVRC_STS_NO_ERROR   0x04

Operation completed without error.

This is the status that should be returned if the operation was successful.

#define AVRC_STS_NOT_FOUND   0x02

Specified parameter not found., sent if the parameter ID is understood, but content is wrong or corrupted.

#define AVRC_STS_PLAYER_N_ADDR   0x13

Player Not Addressed.

The Player Id supplied refers to a player which is not currently addressed, and the command is not able to be performed if the player is not set as addressed. Search, SetBrowsedPlayer

#define AVRC_STS_PLAYER_N_BR   0x12

Player Not Browsable - The Player Id supplied refers to a Media Player which does not support browsing.
