Cypress PSoC 6 Bluetooth Low Energy Middleware Library 3.60
cy_stc_ble_stack_params_t Struct Reference


BLE Stack parameters.

Data Fields

bool tx5dbmModeEn
 Tx 5dbm mode enable.
 Configuration parameter for Radio PA calibration.
uint16_t featureMask
 The feature set mask used to control usage of specified feature in the BLE stack.
uint16_t dleMaxTxCapability
 Max Tx payload size.
uint16_t dleMaxRxCapability
 Max Rx payload size.
uint16_t totalHeapSz
 Memory heap pointer size.
uint8_t * memoryHeapPtr
 Memory heap pointer.
uint16_t controllerTotalHeapSz
 Controller memory heap size (uses only in dual CPU mode)
uint8_t * controllerMemoryHeapPtr
 Controller memory heap pointer (uses only in dual CPU mode)
uint8_t l2capBufferPerConn
 Configuration for the L2CAP buffer for data transmission.
uint8_t maxResolvableDevListSize
 The maximum number of devices that can be added to the resolve list.
uint8_t maxBondedDevListSize
 The maximum number of devices that can be added to the white list.
uint8_t maxWhiteListSize
 The maximum number of bonded devices to be supported by this device.
uint8_t maxConnCount
 Maximum number of BLE connections.
uint16_t packageType
 Package type.