Cypress PSoC 6 Bluetooth Low Energy Middleware Library 3.60
cy_stc_ble_params_t Struct Reference


BLE Configuration parameters structure.

Data Fields

bool siliconDeviceAddressEn
 Silicon Device Address Enabled.
bool gattPrepareWriteExtBuffEn
 Using external buffer for Prepare Write Request.
bool l2capEn
 The parameter to enable the configuration of the L2CAP logical channels.
cy_en_ble_bless_pwr_lvl_t txPowerLevelAdv
 BLESS Power reflecting power level values supported by BLESS radio (for advertising channel)
cy_en_ble_bless_pwr_lvl_t txPowerLevelConn
 BLESS power reflecting power level values supported by BLESS radio (for connection channel)
cy_en_ble_gap_iocap_t securityIoCapability
 IO capability.
uint16_t l2capMtuSize
 L2CAP MTU Size.
uint16_t l2capMps
 L2CAP MPS Size.
uint16_t l2capChanCount
 The number of L2CAP Logical channels.
uint16_t l2capPsmCount
 Number of L2CAP PSMs.
uint16_t gattPrepareWriteQueueSize
 Size of prepare write queue buffer.
uint16_t totalAttrValueLength
 Length of attribute value.
uint16_t gattAttrMaxLen
 The GATT Maximum attribute length.
uint16_t gattDbIndexCount
 Index count for GATT DB.
uint16_t mtuSize
 The MTU Size.
uint8_t gapRole
 The GAP Role.
uint8_t gappConfCount
 The number of GAP Peripheral configurations.
uint8_t gapcConfCount
 The number of GAP Central configurations.
uint8_t gattRole
 The GATT Role.
uint8_t maxClientCount
 The number of BLE connections (client)
uint8_t isBondingReq
 The Bonding Requirement.