Cypress PSoC 6 Bluetooth Low Energy Middleware Library 3.60


GAP Service Characteristics server's GATT DB handles structure type.

Data Fields

cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t deviceNameCharHandle
 Handle of the GAPS Device Name Characteristic.
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t appearanceCharHandle
 Handle of the GAPS Appearance Characteristic.
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t periphPrivacyCharHandle
 Handle of the GAPS Peripheral Privacy Flag Parameters Characteristic.
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t reconnAddrCharHandle
 Handle of the GAPS Reconnection Address Characteristic.
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t prefConnParamCharHandle
 Handle of the GAPS Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters Characteristic.
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t centralAddrResolutionCharHandle
 Handle of the GAPS Central Address Resolution Characteristic.
cy_ble_gatt_db_attr_handle_t resolvablePrivateAddressOnly
 Handle of the GAPS Resolvable Private Address Only Characteristic.