GMR-based angle sensor for angular position sensing in automotive applications
- Author
- Infineon Technologies AG
- Copyright
- 2019-2020 Infineon Technologies AG
- Version
- 3.1.0
This file includes the registry definition macros of all Sensor registers and the bit settings for each of the register content values. Depending on the type of secondary interface (PWM, IIF or HSM) the meaning of some register values differs, so please have look in the TLE5012 manual for the exact meaning. Also included here are other sensefull macros for handling the TLE5012 sensor. Core Library
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
enum | errorTypes {
NO_ERROR = 0x00
} |
| Error types from safety word. More...
enum | updTypes { UPD_low = 0x0000
, UPD_high = 0x0400
} |
enum | safetyTypes { SAFE_low = 0x0000
, SAFE_high = 0x0001
} |
#define | TRIGGER_DELAY 5 |
| 5 microseconds trigger delay time More...
#define | READ_SENSOR 0x8000 |
| base command for
#define | WRITE_SENSOR 0x5000 |
| base command for write More...
#define | READ_BLOCK_CRC 0x8088 |
| initialize block CRC check command More...
#define | SYSTEM_ERROR_MASK 0x4000 |
| System error masks for safety words. More...
#define | INTERFACE_ERROR_MASK 0x2000 |
| Interface error masks for safety words. More...
#define | INV_ANGLE_ERROR_MASK 0x1000 |
| Angle error masks for safety words. More...
#define | CRC_POLYNOMIAL 0x1D |
| values used for calculating the CRC More...
#define | CRC_SEED 0xFF |
#define | CRC_NUM_REGISTERS 0x0008 |
| number of CRC relevant registers More...
#define | MAX_REGISTER_MEM 0x0030 |
| max readable register values buffer More...
#define | MAX_NUM_REG 0x16 |
| defines the value for temporary data to read all readable registers More...
#define | DELETE_BIT_15 0x7FFF |
| Value used to delete everything except the first 15 bits. More...
#define | CHANGE_UINT_TO_INT_15 0x8000 |
| Value used to change unsigned 16bit integer into signed. More...
#define | CHECK_BIT_14 0x4000 |
#define | GET_BIT_14_4 0x7FF0 |
#define | DELETE_7BITS 0x01FF |
| values used to calculate 9 bit signed integer sent by the sensor More...
#define | CHANGE_UNIT_TO_INT_9 0x0200 |
| Value used to change unsigned 9bit integer into signed. More...
#define | CHECK_BIT_9 0x0100 |
#define | POW_2_15 32768.0 |
| values used to for final calculations of angle speed, revolutions, range and value More...
#define | POW_2_7 128.0 |
#define | ANGLE_360_VAL 360.0 |
#define | TEMP_OFFSET 152.0 |
| values used to calculate the temperature More...
#define | TEMP_DIV 2.776 |