from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import copy
import glob
from pathlib import Path
from typing import ClassVar
import attrs
import natsort
import omegaconf
from attrs.validators import deep_iterable, in_, instance_of, min_len
__all__ = ["CustomResource", "FileResource", "LocalResource", "Resource", "TransformedResource"]
class Resource:
The base class for all resources. Provides serialization/deserialization methods.
_registry: ClassVar[dict] = {}
alias: str = attrs.field(validator=(instance_of(str), min_len(1)))
_cachedir: str = attrs.field(validator=instance_of(str), kw_only=True, default="")
def from_dict(definition: dict | omegaconf.DictConfig) -> Resource:
from pharaoh.plugins.plugin_manager import PM
if isinstance(definition, omegaconf.DictConfig):
definition: dict = omegaconf.OmegaConf.to_container(definition, resolve=True)
definition: dict = copy.deepcopy(definition)
resource_class = definition.pop("__class__")
registry = PM.pharaoh_collect_resource_types()
if resource_class not in registry:
msg = (
f"No such resource type {resource_class!r} from definition of resource {definition}. "
f"Available types are {','.join(Resource._registry.keys())!r}!"
raise LookupError(msg)
return registry[resource_class](**definition)
def to_dict(self):
dikt = dict(**attrs.asdict(self, filter=lambda attr, value: not"_")))
dikt["__class__"] = self.__class__.__name__
return dikt
class LocalResource(abc.ABC, Resource):
Represents a resource that is located on the user's hard-drive.
def locate(self) -> Path:
Returns the path to the resource file.
raise NotImplementedError
class CustomResource(Resource):
A resource that can hold arbitrary information. It may be used as a temporary replacement for
more specific resources that are not yet implemented.
For example, it could hold database connection properties or other custom data.
CustomResource(alias="foo", traits=dict(a=1, b=[2, 3], c=dict(d=[4, 5])))
:ivar traits: A dict with arbitrary data.
traits: dict
class FileResource(LocalResource):
A resource that matches files/directories using a wildcard pattern.
FileResource(alias="mycsvfile", pattern="C:/temp/*.csv", sort="ascending")
:ivar pattern: A pathname pattern.
The pattern may contain simple shell-style wildcards.
Filenames starting with a dot are special cases that are not matched by '*' and '?' patterns.
:ivar sort: descending (default) or ascending.
Sorting is done using the natsort library to sort filesystem paths naturally. Example::
0.txt, 01.txt, 1.txt, 10.txt, 2.txt # default sorting (ascending)
0.txt, 01.txt, 1.txt, 2.txt, 10.txt # natural sorting (ascending)
pattern: str | Path = attrs.field(converter=str)
sort: str = attrs.field(validator=in_(("ascending", "descending")), default="descending")
def locate(self) -> Path:
Returns the first match for the file pattern, depending on the chosen sort order.
return self.first_match()
def first_match(self) -> Path:
Returns the first match for the file pattern, depending on the chosen sort order.
return self.get_files()[0]
def last_match(self) -> Path:
Returns the last match for the file pattern, depending on the chosen sort order.
return self.get_files()[-1]
def get_match(self, index) -> Path:
Returns the n-th match for the file pattern, depending on the chosen sort order.
return self.get_files()[index]
def get_files(self, recursive: bool = True) -> list[Path]:
Returns all matches for the file pattern, depending on the chosen sort order.
:param recursive: If recursive is true, the pattern '**' will match any files and
zero or more directories and subdirectories.
files = [Path(p).resolve() for p in glob.glob(self.pattern, recursive=recursive)] # type: ignore[type-var]
if not files:
msg = f"No files found for pattern {self.pattern!r}"
raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
sort = {"ascending": False, "descending": True}
return natsort.natsorted(files, reverse=sort[self.sort])