from __future__ import annotations
import hashlib
import json
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import omegaconf
from pharaoh.log import log
from .util import obj_groupby
from import Iterable, Iterator
class AssetFileLinkBrokenError(LookupError):
class Asset:
Holds information about a generated asset.
:ivar id: An MD5 hash of the asset's filename, prefixed with "__ID__".
Since a unique suffix is included in the filename, this ID hash is also unique.
Can be used to quickly find this Asset instance.
:ivar Path infofile: Absolute path to the ``*.assetinfo`` file
:ivar Path assetfile: Absolute path to the actual asset file
:ivar omegaconf.DictConfig context: The content of *infofile* parsed into a OmegaConf dict.
def __init__(self, info_file: Path):
assert info_file.suffix == ".assetinfo" str = "__ID__" + hashlib.md5(bytes(, "utf-8")).hexdigest()
self.infofile: Path = info_file
self.context = omegaconf.OmegaConf.create(json.loads(self.infofile.read_text()))
for file in self.infofile.parent.glob(f"{self.infofile.stem}*"):
if file.suffix != ".assetinfo":
self.assetfile: Path = file
msg = f"There is no asset for inventory file {self.infofile}!"
raise AssetFileLinkBrokenError(msg)
def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Asset[{self.infofile.stem}]"
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Asset):
return == and self.infofile == other.infofile and self.assetfile == other.assetfile
raise NotImplementedError
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
def __lt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Asset):
return self.infofile < other.infofile
raise NotImplementedError
def copy_to(self, target_dir: Path) -> Path:
Copy the asset plus info-file.
:param target_dir: The target directory to copy to. Will be created if it does not exist.
:returns: True if files were copied, False otherwise (files already exist)
target_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
target_info_file = target_dir /
if target_info_file.exists():
return target_dir /
log.debug(f"Copying asset {self} to build directory")
shutil.copy(self.infofile, target_info_file)
if Path(self.assetfile).is_file():
return Path(shutil.copy(self.assetfile, target_dir))
if Path(self.assetfile).is_dir():
shutil.copytree(self.assetfile, target_dir /
return target_dir /
raise NotImplementedError
def read_json(self) -> dict:
Reads the file using a JSON parser.
if self.assetfile.suffix.lower() != ".json":
msg = "Can only read .json files!"
raise Exception(msg)
return json.loads(self.assetfile.read_text("utf-8"))
def read_yaml(self) -> dict:
Reads the file using a YAML parser.
import yaml
if self.assetfile.suffix.lower() not in (".yaml", ".yml"):
msg = "Can only read .yaml/.yml files!"
raise Exception(msg)
with open(self.assetfile, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
return yaml.safe_load(fp)
def read_text(self, encoding: str = "utf-8") -> str:
Reads the file as text
return self.assetfile.read_text(encoding)
def read_bytes(self) -> bytes:
Reads the file as bytes
return self.assetfile.read_bytes()
class AssetFinder:
def __init__(self, lookup_path: Path):
A class for discovering and searching generated assets.
An instance of this class will be created by the Pharaoh project, where ``lookup_path`` will be set to
:param lookup_path: The root directory to look for assets. It will be searched recursively for assets.
self._lookup_path = lookup_path
self._assets: dict[str, list[Asset]] = {}
def discover_assets(self, components: list[str] | None = None) -> dict[str, list[Asset]]:
Discovers all assets by recursively searching for ``*.assetinfo`` files and stores
the collection as instance variable (`_assets`).
:param components: A list of components to search for assets.
If None (the default), all components will be searched.
:return: A dictionary that maps component names to a list of :class:`Asset` instances.
if isinstance(components, list) and len(components):
for component in components:
self._assets[component] = [Asset(file) for file in (self._lookup_path / component).glob("*.assetinfo")]
for asset in (Asset(file) for file in self._lookup_path.glob("*/*.assetinfo")):
component =
if component not in self._assets:
self._assets[component] = []
return self._assets
def search_assets(self, condition: str, components: str | Iterable[str] | None = None) -> list[Asset]:
Searches already discovered assets (see :func:`discover_assets`) that match a condition.
:param condition: A Python expression that is evaluated using the content of the ``*.assetinfo`` JSON file
as namespace. If the evaluation returns a truthy result, the asset is returned.
Refer to :ref:`this example assetinfo file <example_asset_info>` to see the available default namespace.
# All HTML file where the "label" metadata ends with "_plot"
finder.search_assets('asset.suffix == ".html" and label.endswith("_plot")')
:param components: A list of component names to search. If None (the default), all components will be searched.
:return: A list of assets whose metadata match the condition.
if not condition.strip():
return []
code = compile(condition, "<string>", "eval")
found = []
for asset in self.iter_assets(components):
result = eval(code, {}, asset.context)
except Exception:
result = False
if result:
def sort_key(asset):
return asset.context.asset.index
except AttributeError:
return 0
# Sort by asset index, which reflects the order in which the assets were generated in the asset script
return sorted(found, key=sort_key)
def iter_assets(self, components: str | Iterable[str] | None = None) -> Iterator[Asset]:
Iterates over all discovered assets.
:param components: A list of component names to search. If None (the default), all components will be searched.
:return: An iterator over all discovered assets.
if not self._assets:
if isinstance(components, str):
components = [components]
components = components or list(self._assets.keys())
for component in components:
if component in self._assets:
yield from self._assets[component]
def get_asset_by_id(self, id: str) -> Asset | None:
Returns the corresponding :class:`Asset` instance for a certain ID.
:param id: The ID of the asset to return
:return: An :class:`Asset` instance if found, None otherwise.
for asset in self.iter_assets():
if == id:
return asset
return None
def asset_groupby(
seq: Iterable[Asset], key: str, sort_reverse: bool = False, default: str | None = None
) -> dict[str, list[Asset]]:
Groups an iterable of Assets by a certain metadata key.
During build-time rendering this function will be available as Jinja global function
``asset_groupby`` and alias ``agroupby``.
.. code-block:: none
We have following 4 assets (simplified notation of specified metadata):
Asset[a="1", b="3"]
Asset[a="1", c="4"]
Asset[a="2", b="3"]
Asset[a="2", c="4"]
Grouping by "a":
asset_groupby(assets, "a")
will yield
"1": [Asset[a="1", b="3"], Asset[a="1", c="4"]],
"2": [Asset[a="2", b="3"], Asset[a="2", c="4"]],
Grouping by "b" and default "default":
asset_groupby(assets, "b", default="default")
will yield
"3": [Asset[a="1", b="3"], Asset[a="2", b="3"]],
"default": [Asset[a="1", c="4"], Asset[a="2", c="4"]],
:param seq: The iterable of assets to group
:param key: The nested attribute to use for grouping, e.g. "A.B.C"
:param sort_reverse: Reverse-sort the keys in the returned dictionary
:param default: Sort each item, where "key" is not an existing attribute, into this default group
:return: A dictionary that maps the group names (values of A.B.C) to a list of items out of the input iterable
return obj_groupby(seq=seq, key=key, sort_reverse=sort_reverse, attr="context", default=default)