Source code for pharaoh.assetlib.catch_exceptions

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import io
import traceback

import pharaoh.log
from pharaoh.assetlib.generation import register_asset

log = pharaoh.log.log

[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def catch_exceptions( catch: tuple[type[Exception], ...] = (Exception,), reraise: tuple[type[Exception], ...] = (), msg_prefix: str = "", log_exc: bool = True, render_exc: bool = True, ): """ Catch exceptions of given types. If an exception is caught, the Sphinx report generation will report a warning. .. seealso:: :ref:`reference/assets:Catching Errors` :param catch: The exception types to catch :param reraise: The exception types to re-raise (has precedence over catch) :param msg_prefix: The message prefix to log before the exception message :param log_exc: Whether to log the exception message as a warning :param render_exc: Whether to export the exception traceback as an asset to be included in the report """ try: yield except reraise: raise except catch as e: if log_exc: log.warning( f"An error occurred during asset generation: {msg_prefix}{e}\n" f"Traceback:\n{traceback.format_exc(limit=-1)}" ) if render_exc: register_asset( file="error.txt", template="error_traceback", data=io.BytesIO(traceback.format_exc(limit=-1).encode("utf-8")), metadata={"error_message": f"{msg_prefix}{e}", "asset_type": "error_traceback"}, )