Host Library Documentation
IFX I2C Protocol used by OPTIGA Comms


file  ifx_i2c.h
 This file defines the API prototype for IFX I2C protocol v2.00 wrapper.
file  ifx_i2c_config.h
 This file defines the structures and macros for the Infineon I2C Protocol.
file  ifx_i2c_physical_layer.h
 This file defines the API prototype for physical layer of the Infineon I2C Protocol Stack library.
file  ifx_i2c_presentation_layer.h
 Module for the presentation layer of the Infineon I2C Protocol Stack library.
file  ifx_i2c_transport_layer.h
 This file defines the API prototype for transport layer of the Infineon I2C Protocol Stack library.

Detailed Description