Low Power Assistant Middleware Library 5.5.0

General Description

Data Structures

struct  arp_ol_cfg_t
 ARP Offload configuration. More...
struct  arp_ol_t
 ARP Offload context - this is a private structure; visible to allow for static definition. More...
struct  ol_desc_t
 Offload instance description table entry. More...
struct  ol_info_t
 Offload information. More...
struct  olm_t
 Offload Manager context. More...
struct  cy_pf_port_t
 Usually a single port is filtered but port ranges are also supported, where the range is from portnum thru portnum + range. More...
struct  cy_pf_pn_cfg_t
 Describes a port number filter (type CY_PF_OL_FEAT_PORTNUM) More...
struct  cy_pf_ethtype_cfg_t
 Describes an ethertype filter (type CY_PF_OL_FEAT_ETHTYPE) More...
struct  cy_pf_ip_cfg_t
 Describes an IP type filter (type CY_PF_OL_FEAT_IPTYPE) More...
struct  cy_pf_ol_cfg_t
 Single union to describe all packet filters. More...
struct  pf_ol_t
 Keep pointers to config space, system handle, etc. More...
struct  cy_wowlpf_ol_cfg_t
 Structure to describe all WOWL packet filters. More...
struct  wowlpf_ol_t
 Keep pointers to config space, system handle, etc. More...