FreeRTOS for Infineon MCUs - Overview


FreeRTOS is supplied as standard C source files built along with the other C files in your project. This repository contains a port of FreeRTOS kernel for Infineon MCUs based on Arm® Cortex®-M0 (CM0), Cortex®-M0+ (CM0P), Cortex®-M4 (CM4), Cortex®-M33 (CM33), Cortex®-R4 (CR4) and Cortex®-M7 (CM7) cores.

Cortex® R4 (CR4) is currently supported only on GCC_ARM

Additional information about using this library in ModusToolbox™ software including a Quick Start guide can be found in the library's file.

FreeRTOS API reference

See FreeRTOS API reference

FreeRTOS configurations

To configure FreeRTOS, copy the pre-configured FreeRTOSConfig.h file from the freertos/Source/portable folder to your project and modify the copied configuration file as needed. See Configuration Consideration section of the file.