Cypress PSoC 6 Bluetooth Low Energy Middleware Library 3.60
Device Information Service (DIS)

General Description

The Device Information Service exposes manufacturer and/or vendor information about a device.

Depending on the chosen GATT role in the Bluetooth Configurator, you may use a subset of the supported API.

The DIS API names begin with Cy_BLE_DIS_. In addition to this, the API also append the GATT role initial letter in the API name.

API Reference

 DIS Server and Client Function
 These are API common to both GATT Client role and GATT Server role.
 DIS Server Functions
 API unique to DIS designs configured as a GATT Server role.
 DIS Client Functions
 API unique to DIS designs configured as a GATT Client role.
 DIS Definitions and Data Structures
 Contains the DIS specific definitions and data structures used in the DIS API.