Peripheral Default BSP Settings
Resource Parameter Value Remarks
Measurement type Single Ended
Input voltage range 0 to 2.4 V (0 to 2*VREF)
Output range 0x000 to 0x7FF
DAC Reference source VDDA
Input range 0x000 to 0xFFF
Output range 0 to VDDA
Output type Unbuffered output
I2C Role Master Configurable to slave mode through HAL function
Data rate 100 kbps Configurable through HAL function
Drive mode of SCL & SDA pins Open Drain (drives low) External pull-up resistors are required
LpTimer Uses WCO (32.768 kHz) as clock source & MCWDT as counter; 1 count = 1/32768 second or 32768 counts = 1 second
SPI Data rate 100 kpbs Configurable through HAL function
Slave select polarity Active low
UART Flow control No flow control Configurable through HAL function
Data format 8N1 Configurable through HAL function

| ^ | Baud rate | 115200 | Configurable through HAL function ||

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