RTOS Abstraction (abstraction-rtos)
API Reference
The following provides a list of API documentation
[detail level 12]
 CommonGeneral types and defines for working with the RTOS abstraction layer
 RTOS Specific Types and DefinesThe following defines and types have values that are specific to each RTOS port
 EventsAPIs for acquiring and working with Events
 MutexAPIs for acquiring and working with Mutexes
 QueueAPIs for creating and working with Queues
 SemaphoreAPIs for acquiring and working with Semaphores
 ThreadsAPIs for creating and working with Threads
 SchedulerAPIs for working with Scheduler
 TimeAPIs for getting the current time and waiting
 TimerAPIs for creating and working with Timers
 Worker Thread UtilityWorker thread utility that allows functions to be run a different thread context