BSP API Reference
The following provides a list of BSP API documentation
[detail level 12]
 Error CodesError codes specific to the board
 FunctionsAll functions exposed by the board
 Pin MappingsMacro definitions for common peripheral pins on the board
 LED PinsPins connected to user LEDs on the board
 Button PinsPins connected to user buttons on the board
 Communication PinsPins associated with connections on the board for communication interfaces (UART/I2C/SPI/...)
 Arduino Header PinsPins mapped to the Arduino header on the board
 J2 Header PinsPins mapped to the J2 header on the board
 CapsensePins connected to CAPSENSEā„¢ sensors on the board
 WCOPins connected to the WCO on the board
 Pin StatesMacros to abstract out whether the LEDs & Buttons are wired high or active low
 Bluetooth Configuration StructureBasic configuration structure for the Bluetooth interface on this board